
Dinamska analiza modularne kontejnerske enote
ID Brezovar, Andraž (Author), ID Čepon, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Modularne enote so lahko izpostavljene vibracijskim obremenitvam, bodisi zaradi zunanjih dejavnikov, kot so potresi, bodisi zaradi delujočih naprav, nameščenih znotraj modula. Pri načrtovanju modularne enote je tako potrebno poleg statičnih upoštevati tudi dinamične obremenitve. Za obvladovanje vibracij in preprečevanje neželenih vibracij se v dinamsko obremenjene modularne enote vgrajujejo absorpcijski materiali in blažilniki, ter izvajajo modifikacije konstrukcijskih elementov modula in načina njegove namestitve na podlago. To omogoča preprečevanje morebitnih resonančnih področij, ki bi lahko povzročila nelagodje v modularni enoti ali celo poškodbe njenih komponent. V okviru magistrske naloge se je izvedla numerična modalna analiza modularne enote z namenom določitve lastnih frekvenc in lastnih oblik. Analiza se osredotoča na dve konfiguraciji modula: brez nameščenih fasadnih panelov ter z različnimi nameščenimi fasadnimi paneli. Pri postavitvi numeričnega modela smo posebno pozornost namenili pravilnemu modeliranju spojev. Za preverjanje in validacijo modalnih parametrov smo izvedli tudi multi-referenčno eksperimentalno modalno analizo. Na podlagi rezultatov eksperimentalne modalne analize se je nato izvedlo posodabljanje numeričnega modela, s katerim smo dosegli večjo natančnost in zanesljivost numeričnega modela modularne enote.

Keywords:lastne frekvence, dinamska analiza, modularna gradnja, modularna enota, kontejner
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Brezovar]
Number of pages:XXII, 55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148966 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166362371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Dynamic analysis of a modular container unit
Modular units can be subject to vibration loads, either from external factors such as earthquakes or from operating equipment installed inside the module. When designing a modular unit, it is therefore necessary to take into account dynamic loads in addition to static loads. To control dynamics response and prevent unwanted vibrations, absorbing materials and dampers shall be incorporated in dynamically loaded modular units, and modifications shall be made to the structural elements of the module and to the way it is mounted on the foundation. This makes it possible to avoid potential resonance regions that could cause discomfort in the modular unit or even damage to its components. In the Master's thesis, a numerical modal analysis of the modular unit has been carried out in order to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes. The analysis focuses on two configurations of the module: without facade panels installed and with various facade panels installed. During the development of the numerical model, special attention has been paid to the correct modelling of the joints. A multi-reference experimental modal analysis was also performed to verify and validate the modal parameters. Based on the results of the experimental modal analysis, an update of the numerical model was then carried out to achieve good accuracy and reliability of the numerical model of the modular unit.

Keywords:natural frequencies, dynamic analysis, modular construction, modular unit, container

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