
Optimizacija porabe energije GPS modula na sledilniku za kolo
ID Klobučar, Rok (Author), ID Pirc, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je raziskati optimizacijo porabe energije, mobilnosti, natančnosti, kompaktnosti ter funkcionalnosti GPS naprave. Rezultate raziskave moramo aplicirati na modul in ga s tem optimizirati. Model je potrebno testirati v neoptimalnih, optimalnih, izjemno slabih in realnih pogojih, kjer bodo izmerjene ter izračunane standardne deviacije, razni parametri natančnosti in povprečna poraba ter rezultati razločno prikazati. Končni cilj je izbrati optimalni režim delovanja, ki je baziran na opravljenih meritvah. Poizkusili smo privarčevati na energiji s periodičnim vklapljanjem in ugašanjem naprave oziroma konfiguriranjem časovnega razmerja med aktivnim stanjem ter periode ali drugače: razmerje med časom vklopa in izklopa. Ko je modul izklopljen, ne porablja energije, vendar poleg očitnega problema, tj. da se lokacija ne posodablja, naprava takrat ne išče satelitov. Vsi do sedaj znani podatki so začasno shranjeni v pomnilniku. S tem upade natančnost naprave. Najbolj optimalno razmerje med časom vklopa in izklopa je torej stalno zadovoljivo natančna meritev pri čim nižji porabi. Meritve natančnosti modula smo terensko opravili s pomočjo terminalskega programa za serijsko komunikacijo HTerm ter spletnega strežnika. Napravo smo primerjali z referenčno anteno in drugimi napravami, ki so nam predstavljale referenčne meritve. Za optimalni režim delovanja se je izkazal režim periodične pripravljenosti (standby) s porabo 9,5673 mA. Režim periodičnega konstantnega lociranja (AlwaysLocateTM) se je izkazal za izjemno natančnega, ampak samo v optimalnih pogojih. V realnih primerih se izkaže, da pogosto izgubi signal. Če se meritev izvaja dalj časa, ima od tega največ koristi režim periodičnega varnostnega kopiranja (backup 1), ki doseže nizko porabo, vendar ima najnižjo natančnost. Če istemu režimu delovanja povečamo aktivni čas in skrajšamo čas spanja, mu znatno povišamo natančnost, a s tem tudi porabo.

Keywords:poraba, energija, lokacija, navigacija, satelit, GPS
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148925 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163993603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Power consumption optimization of a GPS module for a bicycle location tracker
The aim of the thesis is to investigate the optimisation of the power consumption, mobility, accuracy, compactness and functionality of a GPS device. To apply the results of the research to the module and thus optimise it. To test the module under sub-optimal, optimal, extreme and realistic conditions, where standard deviations, various accuracy parameters and average power consumption will be measured and calculated and the results will be clearly displayed. The final objective is to select the optimal operating regime based on the measurements made. We have tried to save energy by periodically switching the device on and off, or by configuring the time ratio between the active state and the period, or in other words the ratio between the on and off time. When the module is switched off, it does not consume power, but apart from the obvious problem that the location is not updated, the device does not search for satellites at that time. All data known so far is temporarily stored in memory. This drops the accuracy of the device. The most optimal ratio of on/off time is therefore a consistently satisfactory accurate measurement at the lowest possible power consumption. The module accuracy was measured in the field using the HTerm serial communication terminal program and a web server. The device was compared with a reference antenna and other devices that provided us with reference measurements. The optimum operating mode was found to be the periodic standby mode with a power consumption of 9,5673 mA. The periodic constant locate mode (AlwaysLocateTM) proved to be extremely accurate, but only under optimal conditions. In real cases, it turns out to lose signal frequently. If the measurement is run for a long time, the operating mode that benefits most from this is the periodic backup mode (backup 1), which achieves low power consumption but has the worst accuracy. Increasing the active time and decreasing the sleep time of the same mode of operation gives a significant increase in accuracy, but also in power consumption.

Keywords:consumption, energy, location, navigation, satellite, GPS

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