
Modeliranje transporta plavin na porečju Save Dolinke : magistrsko delo št.: 111/II. VOI
ID Prezelj, Luka (Author), ID Bezak, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rak, Gašper (Comentor)

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V okviru magistrske naloge je obravnavana tematika modeliranja transporta (rinjenih) plavin. Predstavljene so teoretične osnove, potrebne za celovito obravnavo, pod kar spadajo tako določitev dotoka plavin iz zaledja, kot tudi lastnosti premeščanja plavin znotraj struge vodotoka. Pri prvi so predstavljene metode določitve potencialnega sproščanja sedimentov v zaledjih, pri drugi pa osnove o začetku prodnega premika, lastnostih različnih tipov premeščanja plavin in o različnih metodah določitve transportne zmogljivosti oz. količine premeščanja plavin v vodotoku. Premeščanje plavin je v nalogi obravnavano na konkretnem primeru Save Dolinke, ki predstavlja tipičen prodonosni vodotok. Obravnavan je bil odsek med sotočjem s Pišnico (Kranjska Gora) in prodnim zadrževalnikom Hrušica. Za omenjeni odsek je bil vzpostavljen enodimenzijski hidravlični model, dodatno prilagojen za modeliranje transporta sedimentov. Z njegovo uporabo je bila analizirana dinamika premeščanja rinjenih plavin na obravnavanem odseku. Dodatno je bil ocenjen vpliv lastnosti vodotoka (vodnatost, hrapavost podlage in zrnavost podlage), kot tudi nastavitev hidravličnega modela (izbira transportne funkcije itd.) na rezultate modeliranja transporta plavin. V zaključkih so na podlagi ugotovljenega vpliva posameznih parametrov podane smernice, ki določajo, čemu je pri modeliranju transporta potrebno posvetiti največ pozornosti, da bi zagotovili čim manjšo negotovost rezultatov. Predstavljene so prednosti in slabosti uporabljene metode modeliranja, ugotovljene tekom izdelave magistrske naloge. Na podlagi tega je bila posledično ocenjena njena uporabnost v različnih primerih.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrsko delo, VOI, transport sedimentov, bilanca, rinjenje plavine, dinamika, erozijski procesi, hidravlično modeliranje, prodonosnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Prezelj]
Number of pages:XVI, 76 str., 11 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148917-71f15957-322c-637a-0969-26ccdeba4473 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178441475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Sediment transport modelling in the Sava Dolinka River : master thesis no.: 111/II. VOI
Within the Master's thesis, we discuss the topic of modelling the transport of bedload sediments. We present the theoretical bases, which includes determination of sediment inflow from the hinterland, as well as the characteristics of sediment transport within the watercourse bed. Determination of sediment inflow wise, we describe the methods for determination of potential erosion of sediments in the hinterland. In the case of sediment transport within the riverbed, we introduce the basics of the start of bed load transport, the characteristics of different types of sediment transport as well as different methods of determining the transport capacity and the amount of sediment transport in the watercourse. In the thesis, the bed load transport is discussed on the concrete example of the Sava Dolinka river, which represents a typical gravel bed river. We focused on the section between the confluence with Pišnica (Kranjska Gora) and the dam Hrušica. A one-dimensional hydraulic model was established for the aforementioned section, additionally adapted for sediment transport modelling. It was used to analyse the dynamics of the bedload transport in this section. In addition, we evaluate the influence of watercourse qualities (water amount, roughness and grain size distribution), as well as hydraulic model settings (choice of transport function, etc.) on bed load transport modelling results. In the end, based on the established impact of individual parameters, we provide guidelines that highlight the priorities that should be given the most attention in bed load transport modelling in order to ensure the low uncertainty of the modelling results. The advantages and disadvantages of the applied modelling methods, established during the preparation of the Master's thesis, are presented. Based on this, their usefulness in various cases was assessed.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, sediment transport, balance, bed load, dynamic, erosion, hydraulic modelling, bed load discharge

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