
Vpliv elektroenergetskega sistema Srbije na ceno električne energije
ID Marčinko, Jurij (Author), ID Pantoš, Miloš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Proizvodne in prenosne enote so ključni dejavniki pri elektroenergetskem sistemu, ki zagotavljajo kakovostno in zanesljivo električno energijo vsem porabnikom. V prvi fazi smo se posvetili raziskavi proizvodnih in prenosnih zmogljivosti na elektroenergetskem sistemu Srbije. V tem delu smo pridobili vpogled v prenosne povezave med Srbijo in sosednjimi državami, analizirali prenosne zmogljivosti in cene prenosnih zmogljivosti ter se posvetili razlikam med različnimi borzami. Pomembno vlogo smo namenili tudi sistemskim storitvam, ki so nepogrešljive za optimalno oskrbo končnih porabnikov z električno energijo. Opisali smo različne tipe proizvodnih enot ter identificirali ključne proizvajalce električne energije v Srbiji. Obenem smo se poglobili v njihove zmogljivosti ter opisali razvojne načrte prenosnih in proizvodnih enot v okviru elektroenergetskega sistema Srbije. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov smo identificirali področja, kjer Srbija najmočneje kreira svoj razvoj v elektroenergetiki. Drugi del naše raziskave je temeljil na gibanju cen električne energije ter faktorjih, ki na to dinamiko vplivajo. Z analizo in konkretnimi primeri smo razjasnili, kako številni dejavniki oblikujejo ceno električne energije. Ugotovili smo, da je cena električne energije rezultat kompleksnega niza faktorjev, ki segajo od naravnih vplivov, človeškega faktorja, panika, političnih odločitev, energentov do tehničnih omejitev omrežja in proizvodnih enot. Ključna komponenta je ravnovesje med proizvodnjo in porabo električne energije, saj lahko neravnovesje povzroči večje spremembe cen električne energije.

Keywords:elektroenergetski sistem Srbije, prenosna zmogljivost, proizvodna zmogljivost, proizvodnja električne energije, poraba električne energije, cena električne energije, vpliv vremena, vpliv energentov, vpliv porabe
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148806 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163948291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the Serbian electric power system on the electricity price
Production and transmission units are crucial factors in the electric power system, responsible for ensuring high-quality and reliable electrical energy to all consumers. In the initial phase, we focused on researching the production and transmission capacities within Serbia's electric power system. In this section, we gained insights into the transmission connections between Serbia and neighboring countries, analyzed transmission capacities and costs, and addressed differences across various markets. Significant attention was given to system services, which are indispensable for the optimal supply of end consumers with electrical energy. We described various types of production units and identified key electricity producers in Serbia. Simultaneously, we delved into their capacities and outlined the developmental plans for transmission and production units within Serbia's electric power system. Based on acquired data, we identified areas where Serbia most profoundly shapes its development within the field of electric power. The second part of our research was centered on the fluctuations in electricity prices and the influencing factors. Through analysis and concrete examples, we elucidated how numerous factors shape the cost of electrical energy. We found that the price of electrical energy is the result of a complex set of factors ranging from natural influences, human factors, market dynamics, political decisions, energy sources, to technical limitations of networks and production units. A pivotal component is the equilibrium between production and consumption of electrical energy, as imbalances can lead to significant fluctuations in electricity prices.

Keywords:The electrical power system of Serbia, transmission capacity, production capacity, electricity production, electricity consumption, electricity price, weather impact, energy source impact, consumption impact

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