
Optimizacija porabe električne energije z uporabo mikrostoritev
ID Kruh Veselič, Nejc (Author), ID Podržaj, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Koncept pametnega grelca sanitarne vode predstavlja standardni bojler, povezan s pametnim termostatom z namenom nadzora, spremljanja in optimiranja ogrevanja tople vode. Mnogi uporabniki standardnih bojlerjev ne znajo ali pa ne želijo optimalno nastaviti parametrov, kar vodi k energetsko neučinkovitemu delovanju in slabšemu ugodju. Pametni termostat uporabniku nudi različne aplikacije, prek katerih se delovanje grelca prilagaja željam in navadam uporabnika ter s tem zagotavlja energijsko varčno delovanje in izbrano stopnjo ugodja. Magistrsko delo predstavlja razvoj, implementacijo in testiranje pametnega grelnika in razvoj aplikacije za optimizacijo krmilnega algoritma. Sistem pametnega grelnika sestavljajo električni grelnik, krmilni sistem in podatkovna baza. Grelnik je namenjen zagotavljanju tople sanitarne vode za uporabnike, krmilni sistem upravlja s temperaturo vode in izvaja meritve o temperaturi ter porabi vode, podatkovna baza pa služi dolgoročnemu shranjevanju teh meritev. Aplikacija uporabniku omogoča dostop do različnih možnosti delovanja prek mikrostoritev na osnovi bločno-verižne tehnologije. Zakup mikrostoritev poteka prek pametne pogodbe, kar zagotavlja visoko stopnjo transparentnosti in varnosti. V nalogi bodo predstavljeni vsi koraki izdelave strojne in programske opreme posameznih enot, analize izmerjenih podatkov, izdelave krmilnih algoritmov in zasnove pametne pogodbe. Delo bo prvenstveno namenjeno vrednotenju možnosti, praktičnosti in smiselnosti omenjenega sistema, služi pa lahko tudi kot osnova za nadaljnjo raziskavo krmilnih modelov.

Keywords:pametni grelnik vode, krmiljenje, merjenje, analiza časovnih vrst, napovedovanje, pametne pogodbe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Kruh Veselič]
Number of pages:XXIV, 61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148744 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:167619587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of electricity consumption using microservices
The concept of a smart water heater involves connecting a standard boiler with a smart thermostat for the purpose of controlling, monitoring, and optimizing the heating of hot water. Many users of standard boilers either do not know how or do not want to optimally adjust the parameters, which leads to inefficient energy operation and reduced comfort. The smart thermostat offers users various applications through which the operation of the heater can be tailored to their preferences and habits, thereby ensuring energy-efficient operation and the desired level of comfort. The master's thesis presents the development, implementation, and testing of a smart water heater, as well as the development of an application for optimizing the control algorithm. The smart water heater system consists of an electric heater, a control system, and a database. The heater is designed to provide hot water for users, the control system manages the water temperature and performs measurements of temperature and water consumption, and the database serves for long-term storage of these measurements. The application allows users to access various operational options through microservices based on blockchain technology. The leasing of microservices is done through a smart contract, which ensures a high level of transparency and security. The thesis will present all the steps of hardware and software development of individual units, the analysis of measured data, the creation of control algorithms, and the design of a smart contract. The work will primarily focus on evaluating the possibilities, practicality, and relevance of the mentioned system, but it can also serve as a basis for further research on control models.

Keywords:smart water heater, control, measuring, time series analysis, forecasting, smart contracts

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