
Prikaz samodestruktivnosti in samomora v izbranih delih slovenske pripovedne proze druge polovice 19. stoletja : diplomsko delo
ID Mele, Zala (Author), ID Bjelčevič, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Samodestruktivnost in njena skrajna oblika, samomor, sta se kot vidnejši literarni temi v slovenski literaturi začeli uveljavljati predvsem v pripovedni prozi druge polovice 19. stoletja. Obravnava izbranih enajstih pripovednoproznih del Josipa Jurčiča, Janka Kersnika, Janeza Mencingerja, Josipa Stritarja in Ivana Tavčarja, ki je izvedena s pomočjo interpretativno-analitične in primerjalne metode, se ne osredotoča toliko na same vrste samodestruktivnih ter samomorilnih smrti in eksplicitnosti njihovih prikazov, temveč na samodestruktivne in samomorilne osebe; pri tem nam kaže, da so zgoraj omenjenima smrtma praviloma podvrženi mladi ljudje, tako kmečkega kot plemenitega rodu, ki jih zaznamujeta predvsem svetobolna miselnost in predsmrtna resignacija; prav tako skoraj vse samodestruktivne in samomorilne osebe definira usodna neuresničljiva ljubezen, ki jih skoraj vedno vodi v smrt. Obravnava se posveti tudi doživljanju samodestruktivnega in samomorilnega vedenja s strani literarnih oseb, ki prav tako nastopajo v izbranih enajstih delih, pri čemer ugotavlja veliko zadržanost pri soočanju z dejanskimi posledicami, ki jih prinašajo samodestruktivne in samomorilne smrti. Obravnava se sklene z opredelitvijo tragičnosti literarnih oseb glede na Aristotelovo Poetiko in z ugotovitvijo, da velika večina izbranih samodestruktivnih in samomorilnih oseb ni tragična glede na kriterije grškega filozofa.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, slovenska pripovedna proza, interpretativna metoda, analitična metoda, primerjalna metoda, slovenski pisatelji, kmečko prebivalstvo, plemstvo, Bore mladost, Dona Klara, Bolna ljubezen, Gospa Amalija, Soror Pia, Grajski pisar, Očetov greh, Jurij Kozjak, slovenski janičar, Deseti brat, Zorin, Vita vitae meae, samodestruktivnost, samomor, 19. stoletje, Josip Jurčič, Janko Kersnik, Janez Mencinger, Josip Stritar, Ivan Tavčar, Aristotel, Poetika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Mele]
Number of pages:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148709 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:174016515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Presentation of Self-destructiveness and Suicide in Selected Works of Slovenian Narrative Prose from the Second Half of the 19th Century
Self-destructiveness, culminating in its extreme form, suicide, emerged as significant literary themes in Slovenian literature, particularly in the narrative prose of the second half of the 19th century. This study analyses eleven prose works by Josip Jurčič, Janko Kersnik, Janez Mencinger, Josip Stritar, and Ivan Tavčar, employing interpretative-analytical and comparative methods. Rather than stressing the modes and explicitness of self-destructive and suicidal depictions, the focus is on the characters exhibiting these tendencies. The analysis reveals that these individuals are predominantly young, spanning both peasant and noble classes, and are often characterised by a mentality of world weariness (Weltschmerz) and resignation preceding their demise. A recurring theme is the profound impact of unfulfilled love, which invariably hastens their sorrowful end. The discourse also delves into the literary figures' perceptions of self-destructive and suicidal behaviours, underscoring a marked aversion to confronting the repercussions of such actions. The conclusion draws on Aristotle's Poetics to assess the tragic stature of these characters, highlighting that most do not align with the Greek philosopher's criteria for tragic characters.

Keywords:Slovene literature, Slovene narrative prose, interpretative method, analytic method, comparative method, Slovene writers, rural population, aristocracy, Bore mladost, Dona Klara, Bolna ljubezen, Gospa Amalija, Soror Pia, Grajski pisar, Očetov greh, Jurij Kozjak, slovenski janičar, Deseti brat, Zorin, Vita vitae meae, self-destructiveness, suicide, 19th century, Josip Jurčič, Janko Kersnik, Janez Mencinger, Josip Stritar, Ivan Tavčar, Aristotle, Poetics

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