
Zanimanje petošolcev za naravoslovne vsebine izven okvirov šole : magistrsko delo
ID Fortuna, Lovrenc (Author), ID Pavlin, Jerneja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Slapničar, Miha (Comentor)

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Raziskave kažejo, da naravoslovni predmetni veljajo za manj priljubljene predmete med osnovnošolci, njihova priljubljenost pa dodatno upada tudi s starostjo učencev. Razlogov za to je več. Ugotovimo lahko, da bi se morali učenci pri pouku naravoslovnih predmetov več srečevati z učnimi vsebinami, ki so jim zanimive in lahko umestljive v kontekst vsakdanjega življenja. To je zapisano tudi v učnem načrtu. Spoznavanje in raziskovanje naravoslovnih vsebin naj bi potekalo izkustveno ob različnih življenjskih dejavnostih. Kaže se, da je priljubljenost naravoslovnih predmetov tesno povezana z izborom učnih vsebin. Namen magistrskega dela je bil natančneje raziskati tematiko in ugotoviti, katere zanimive naravoslovne učne vsebine, ki niso del učnega načrta, petošolce še posebej zanimajo, jih vpeljati v pouk in s tem pozitivno pripomoči k izboljšanju ravni situacijskega interesa ter notranje motivacije učencev za učenje naravoslovja pri izbrani skupini učencev. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali se pojavljajo razlike med učenci in učenkami glede izbora vsebin. Želeli smo izvedeti tudi to, ali sta raven situacijskega interesa za vpeljavo izbirnih vsebin pri naravoslovju in učna uspešnost učencev pri naravoslovnih predmetih povezani ter ali sta raven situacijskega interesa učencev za naravoslovje in njihova učna uspešnost pri naravoslovnih predmetih povezani. Raziskava je potekala v dveh delih v šolskem letu 2022/23. V prvem delu je bilo v vzorec vključenih 400 petošolcev izbranih mestnih in podeželskih slovenskih osnovnih šol. Oblikovani anketni vprašalnik z naslovom Zanimanje petošolcev za naravoslovne vsebine izven okvirov šole so petošolci izpolnjevali v šoli pri pouku. V drugem delu smo v vzorec vključili izbran oddelek 23 učencev. Na podlagi analize njihovih odgovorov, pridobljenih z vprašalnikom, smo ugotovili, da jih najbolj zanima vsebina o bioluminiscenci, in da se želijo o tej vsebini učiti v šoli pri pouku. Pripravili in izvedli smo učni uri z vsebino o bioluminiscenci. Po izvedbi so učenci izpolnjevali pripravljen anketni vprašalnik, s katerim smo preverili njihov situacijski interes ter notranjo motivacijo po izvedbi učne ure. Učenci so reševali tudi preizkus znanja, s katerim smo preverili napredek v znanju naravoslovja o izbrani vsebini. Ugotovili smo, da petošolce naravoslovje zanima. Še posebej jih pritegnejo izbirne zanimive vsebine o bioluminiscenci in astronomiji. O obeh izbranih vsebinah bi se učenci radi učili tudi pri pouku v šoli. Ugotovili smo, da se med dečki in deklicami pojavljajo statistično pomembne razlike pri izboru določenih zanimivih naravoslovnih vsebin. Prav tako pri določenih zanimivih vsebinah obstaja statistično pomembna zanemarljiva pozitivna povezanost med ravnjo interesa učencev za vpeljavo izbirnih vsebin pri naravoslovju in njihovo učno uspešnostjo pri naravoslovnih predmetih. Obstaja pa tudi statistično pomembna šibka pozitivna povezanost med ravnjo interesa učencev za naravoslovje in njihovo učno uspešnostjo pri naravoslovju. Izkazalo se je tudi to, da je vpeljava zanimive vsebine o bioluminisenci pozitivno delovala na notranjo motivacijo in situacijski interes učencev za naravoslovje. Pri tem so izkazali tudi napredek v znanju za izbrano izbirno vsebino. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli pokazati, da lahko z izbiro zanimivih učnih vsebin in njihovo vpeljavo v pouk po principu učenja z raziskovanjem pozitivno pripomoremo k zanimanju učencev za naravoslovje. Izsledki raziskave učiteljem razrednega pouka nudijo vpogled v zanimanje učencev za naravoslovje in to, katere vsebine so jim najbolj všeč. Izvedba učne ure o bioluminiscenci pa je konkreten primer dobre prakse vpeljave zanimivih vsebin v pouk.

Keywords:naravoslovje, zanimive naravoslovne vsebine, notranja motivacija, situacijski interes, učenje z raziskovanjem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:L. Fortuna
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (73 str.)
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148595 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-148595 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:162451715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Fifth Graders' Interest in Science Content in Out-of-School Settings
Research shows that science subjects are considered less popular among elementary school students, and their popularity even further decreases with age. There are several reasons for this. It has been observed that students should encounter scientific topics that are more interesting and appealing to them. This is also stated in the curriculum. Exploring and researching scientific topics in the classroom should be done experientially through various lifelike activities. The popularity of science is closely related to the selection of the topics. The purpose of this master's thesis was to explore the matter in more detail and determine which interesting topics, not included in the curriculum, particularly interest fifth graders. The aim was to introduce these topics into the classroom of a selected group of students and thereby contribute positively to improving their level of situational interest and internal motivation. We were also interested in whether there are significant differences between male and female students in the choice of specific topics. In addition, we wanted to examine if the level of situational interest in introducing elective scientific topics and students' academic performance in science are related, as well as whether the level of situational interest in science and their academic performance in science are related. The research was conducted in two parts during the school year 2022/23. In the first part, a sample of 400 fifth graders from selected urban and rural Slovenian primary schools were included. The students completed a questionnaire entitled “Students’ Interests in the Scientific Topics Outside of the School Frames”. In the second part, a selected class of 23 students was included in the sample. Based on their questionnaire responses, we found out that they were most interested in the content on bioluminescence and expressed a desire to learn about this topic in the school. We prepared and conducted two lessons on the topic of bioluminescence. After the implementation, the students completed a prepared questionnaire to evaluate their situational interest and internal motivation after the lessons. The students also took a knowledge test to measure their progress in their knowledge of to the chosen topics. The general results show that the fifth graders are interested in science. They are particularly attracted to topics on bioluminescence and astronomy. They expressed a desire to learn about both of the selected topics in school as well. With empirical testing we showed that there are statistically significant differences between boys and girls in the selection of specific interesting topics. Furthermore, for certain topics, there is a statistically significant negligible positive correlation between the level of interest in introducing elective topics in science classes and students' academic performance in science. However, there is also a statistically significant weak positive correlation between the level of interest in science and students' academic performance in science. The introduction of interesting content on bioluminescence was found to positively affect students' internal motivation and situational interest in science. They also demonstrated progress in knowledge of the chosen elective topics. With this master's thesis, we aimed to demonstrate that by thoughtfully selecting interesting topics and introducing them it into the curriculum by exploration-based learning, we can positively contribute to students' interest in science. The research findings provide primary school teachers with insights into students' interest in science and which topics they prefer the most. The implementation of a lesson on bioluminescence serves as a genuine example of good practice in introducing interesting topics into the science classroom.

Keywords:science, interesting scientific topics, intrinsic motivation, situational interest, exploration-based learning

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