
Revščina med starostniki v občini Sevnica : magistrsko delo
ID Vidmar, Tjaša (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V novih družbenih razmerah je poudarek socialnega dela čedalje bolj na delu s starejšo populacijo. Hkrati je narava področja socialnega dela s starimi ljudmi takšna, da stremi k vsem socialnim delavkam in delavcem, torej je univerzalna vsem socialnim delavkam in delavcem, ne glede na to, za katero področje socialnega dela se specializirajo. Vsi se namreč staramo in smo potencialni uporabniki služb in storitev, ki jih zagotavljajo socialne delavke in delavci (Mali, 2013). Pred vpisom na fakulteto me je zanimalo predvsem delo s pripadniki mlade generacije, v zadnjem letniku dodiplomskega študija pa sem skozi prakso spoznala, da je delo s starejšimi zelo zanimivo, hkrati pa socialnim delavcem in delavkam omogoča vpogled v njihovo življenje in preučevanje številnih izzivov, s katerimi se srečujejo v tretjem življenjskem obdobju. Sama sem skozi delo s starejšimi uporabniki prišla do številnih spoznanj, eno izmed ključnih mi je bilo to, kako se njihova socialna mreža po upokojitvi zmanjša. Predvsem me je skozi prakso pritegnilo to, kako so bili starejši uporabniki pripravljeni spregovoriti o svojem življenju brez večjih zadržkov. Ker imam v svojem okolju kar nekaj stikov s starejšimi ljudmi, sem se odločila, da v svojem magistrskem delu podrobneje raziščem, s čim vse se v svojem življenju srečujejo. Hkrati mi je bil povod za to temo tudi spoznanje, da se na starejše ljudi in njihovo življenje v skupnosti mnogokrat premalo osredotočamo ali pa nanje celo pozabimo, misleč, da je zanje dobro poskrbljeno. Hitro staranje prebivalstva in sočasno zmanjševanje deleža mladega prebivalstva v sodobnem svetu povzročata številne spremembe v (do) zdaj dokaj stabilnih ureditvah. Hkrati s podaljševanjem življenja, napredkom medicine, zmanjševanjem deleža aktivnega prebivalstva in večanjem deleža od pomoči odvisnih oseb doživljamo tudi spremembe v družinskih razmerah in medgeneracijskih odnosih. Ko dandanes javno govorimo o starosti, pogosto omenjamo demografske spremembe (Mali, 2013). Vprašanje kakovosti življenja v starosti postaja vedno bolj aktualno zaradi vedno daljše življenjske dobe in vedno večjega števila starejših. Kakovostno staranje in kakovostna starost sta pomembna na več ravneh: za starajočega se ali za starega človeka, za njegove najbližje družinske člane (partnerja, otroke, vnuke), za širšo okolico (prijatelje in sosede), za lokalno skupnost in seveda za družbo kot celoto. Šele v zadnjih letih lahko opazimo povečano zanimanje strokovne javnosti in raziskovalcev za staranje prebivalstva in spremembe, ki jih to prinaša v slovensko družbo (Hlebec, Kavčič, Filipovič Hrast, Vezovnik in Trbanc, 2010, str. 5). Sprejeti dejstvo, da se populacija stara, kar so pred desetletji sprejele razvitejše dežele od nas, zahteva, da tudi sami iščemo nove načine ali da razvijemo novo filozofijo življenja za vse generacije, še posebej za tiste, ki so na prelomnici srednje življenjske poti – nad petinšestdeset let. Ohraniti, negovati in utrditi samopodobo v takšnih družbeno neprijaznih pogojih je izziv za vsakega posameznika. Od znanja, spoznanj in sprejemanja dejanskih sprememb, ki jih prinašajo čas, pripravljenost za boj z miti, tabuji, stereotipi v odnosu do starejše generacije, je odvisno, koliko in kako starejše osebe ne bodo le zadovoljevale svojih življenjskih potreb, ampak dejansko uživale v teh, kot jim nekateri radi rečejo zlatih letih življenja (Kristančič, 2005, str. 5).

Keywords:starejši ljudje, stanovanjske razmere, upokojitev, finančna situacija, socialna mreža, medgeneracijsko sodelovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Vidmar]
Number of pages:135 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148578 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:194735363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Poverty among the elderly in the municipality of Sevnica
With the new social conditions, the significance of social work is focused on working with the elderly population. At the same time the area of expertise, is that it strives towards social employes, therefore it is universal to both male and female employes regardles of their professionalism. Because we all age, we are all potencial benefactors of the service that the employes have to offer (Mali, 2013). Before my enrollment into college i was interested in working with the younger generation, but throughout my final year of undergraduate studies, i came to realise that working with the elderly is quite interesting and it simultaneously enables social workers to have a view into their lives and to study numerous challenges they have to face in their third life period. Through working with them i came to many realisations, one standing out from others, is that how their social network decreases after retirement. What fascinated me the most was how the elderly are willing to talk about their lives without hasitation. Therefor living in an environment where i can communicate with the elderly population, for my master's degree i decided to closely research what they face in their lives. The cause for this subject was the realisation that we don't focus enough on how they live, thinking that they are well taken care off. The quick aging of the population and simultaneously decreasing the percentage of younger generation in the modern world is causing numerous changes in fairly stable institutions. With the prolongevity, advancement in medicine, the reduction of active populas and the growth of assistance needed people, we are witnesing changes in family relationships and intergenerational connections. When we publicly talk about age, we frequently mention demografic changes (Mali, 2013). Questioning the quality of living in the elderly years is more and more relevant, because of the ever longer life span. Qualitiy aging and qualitiy age are important on many platforms: for an aging person or elder person, for his or hers closest relatives (partner, children, grandchildren), for the wider circle (friends and neighbours), for the local community and society as a whole. We can notice in the past years the increasing interest of researchers for the aging populas and the changes they bring into slovenian society (Hlebec, Kavčič, Filipovič, Hrast, Vezovnik and Trbanc, 2010 pga. 10). To accept the fact that the populas is aging, which the more developed countries did decades ago, it forces us to look for new ways or to come up with a new filozofy of life, for all generations especialy for those who are in their mid-life. To preserve, nurture and fortify self image in this socialy harsh conditions is a challenge for everyone. From the knowledge, recognition and accepting actual changes that time brings, willingness to combat myths, taboos, stereotypes, it all depends on how the elderly will meet their living needs and how will they literaly enjoy in them in their said golden years of their lives (Kristančič, 2005, pga. 5).

Keywords:elderly people, housing conditions, retirement, financial situation, social network, intergenerational cooperation, content

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