
Študija povečanja velikosti serije pelet, izdelanih z iztiskanjem in krogličenjem, polnjenih v kapsule
ID Šibal, Klara (Author), ID German Ilić, Ilija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žagar, Janja (Comentor)

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Kapsule kot končni farmacevtski izdelek nastanejo po več procesnih korakih. Z vlažnim granuliranjem povzročimo združevanje majhnih delcev v zrnca, katere nato s postopkom iztiskanja in krogličenja preoblikujemo v pelete, ki jih nato posušimo. V proizvodnji zdravil pa se velikokrat srečamo s povečanjem velikosti serije. Celoten proces povečanja velikosti serije ni enostaven, zato je nujno, da dobro poznamo delovanje določenega tehnološkega procesa. Namen magistrske naloge je bil izdelati kapsule dveh različnih jakosti kot končni farmacevtski izdelek na dvakratni povečani velikosti serije, ki bodo ustrezne in primerljive kakovosti, kot izdelek na manjši velikosti serije. Proces proizvodnje tega farmacevtskega izdelka je potekal po naslednjih korakih: vlažno granuliranje s hitro vrtečim granulatorjem, iztiskanje in krogličenje, sušenje pelet v vrtinčnoslojnem sušilniku, končno sejanje ter mešanje pelet z drugimi pomožnimi snovmi in kapsuliranje. Predlagane procesne parametre pri povečani velikosti serije smo izračunali na tri različne načine, glede na to katero podobnost (kinematična, dinamična, kompromisna rešitev) smo želeli ohraniti. Izdelane vzorce smo vrednotili z različnimi metodami in sicer: izmerili smo jim izgubo pri sušenju, nasipno in zbito gostoto ter velikost in porazdelitev velikosti pelet. Na končni farmacevtski obliki smo vrednotili maso polnjenja kapsul, vsebnost, enakomernost odmernih enot ter sproščanje in rezultate primerjali s podatki preteklih serij izdelanih v zadnjih 18 mesecih. Zaradi omejitev pri uporabi opreme za izdelavo večje serije je prišlo do večjih razlik med teoretično predlaganimi in praktično uporabljenimi procesnimi parametri v fazi vlažnega granuliranja. Pri procesu sušenja, smo uporabili teoretično predlagani pretok zraka, vendar smo ga morali tekom procesa prilagoditi sušenju pelet. Polizdelka majhne in velike serije imata med seboj primerljive vrednosti nasipnih in zbitih gostot ter podoben Carrov indeks. Rezultati porazdelitve velikosti pelet kažejo primerljive vrednost volumske porazdelitve ter relativno ozko distribucijo. Vrednosti mas polnjenja kapsul, vsebnosti, enakomernost odmernih enot ter sproščanja velikih serij so znotraj zgornjih in spodnjih specifikacijskih mej ter bistveno ne odstopajo od povprečja preteklih majhnih serij. Z rezultati smo dokazali, da so kapsule ustrezne kakovosti s čimer smo uspešno zaključili proces povečanja serije ter izdelali kakovosten farmacevtski izdelek.

Keywords:vlažno granuliranje, iztiskanje in krogličenje, pelete, kapsule, povečanje velikosti serije, kontrola kakovosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148537 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2023
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Title:A scale-up study of pellets manufactured by extrusion and spheronization filled into capsules
Capsules, as the final pharmaceutical product, are formed through several process steps. Wet granulation is used to combine small particles into granules, which are then transformed into pellets through extrusion and spheronization, and subsequently dried. In pharmaceutical production, scale up is often encountered. The entire process of scaling up the batch size is not straightforward, so it is crucial to have a good understanding of the specific technological process. The purpose of this master's thesis was to produce capsules of two different strengths as the final pharmaceutical product at twice the scaled-up batch size, while maintaining appropriate and comparable quality to the product at a smaller batch size. The production process of this pharmaceutical product involved the following steps: wet granulation using a high-shear granulator, extrusion and spheronization, drying of pellets in a fluidized bed dryer, final sieving, blending pellets with other excipients, and encapsulation. The proposed process parameters for the scaled-up were calculated using three different approaches, depending on the similarity (kinematic, dynamic, compromise solution) that we wanted to maintain. The samples were evaluated using various methods, including measuring loss on drying, bulk and tapped density, pellet size and size distribution. In the final pharmaceutical form, we evaluated capsule filling weight, content uniformity, dose uniformity and dissolution, comparing the results with data from previous batches manufactured in the last 18 months. Due to limitations in using equipment for larger batches, there were significant differences between the theoretically proposed and practically used process parameters in the wet granulation phase. In the drying process, we used the theoretically proposed airflow, but had to adjust it during pellet drying. Through the analyses, we demonstrated that the capsules met the appropriate quality standards. The intermediate product from small and large batches showed comparable values of bulk and tapped density and a similar Carr's index. The results of pellet size distribution showed comparable values of volume distribution and a relatively narrow distribution. The filling weight of capsules, content uniformity, dose uniformity, and dissolution values for the large batches fell within the upper and lower specification limits and did not significantly deviate from the averages of previous small batches. The results confirmed the successful completion of the batch scaling process and the production of a high-quality pharmaceutical product.

Keywords:wet granulation, extrusion and spheronization, pellets, capsules, scale up, quality control

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