
Vpliv Indeksa pripravljenosti stavbe na pametno delovanje na kazalnike energijske učinkovitost stavb
ID Kovač, Jan (Author), ID Medved, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Arkar, Ciril (Comentor)

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Indeks pripravljenost stavbe na pametne sisteme (angl. Smart readiness indicatior - SRI) je bil leta 2018 uveden v reviziji Direktive o energetski učinkovitosti, da bi zagotovil pregled in vrednotenje vpliva tehnologij naprednega in prilagojenega delovanja tehničnih stavbnih sistemov na učinkovito rabo energije v stavbah. Poleg kazalnikov energijske učinkovitosti stavb, je nov kazalnik uveden za spodbujanje uporabe najsodobnejših pametnih tehnologij v stavbah. Te prispevajo k povečanemu ugodju bivanja in dela, razogljičenju stavbnega sektorja in nadgradnjo stavb v gradnik pametnih omrežij. Ker je kazalnik v fazi uvajanja in prenosa v nacionalno regulativo ter njegov vpliv na energetsko učinkovitost še ni popolnoma opredeljen, se delo osredotoča na ugotavljanje korelacije med vrednostjo SRI in učinkovito rabo energije v stavbah. V delu je narejena analiza energijske učinkovitosti stanovanjske stavbe in poslovno-stanovanjskega objekta pri različnih ocenah SRI. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da višji indeks pripravljenosti na pametne sisteme za stavbe z enakimi tehničnimi stavbnimi sistemi, pomeni boljšo energijsko učinkovitost in manjše izpuste ogljikovega dioksida.

Keywords:pripravljenost stavb na pametne sisteme, skoraj-nič energijske stavbe, pametne storitve v stavbah, tehnični stavbni sistemi, raba energije v stavbah, numerično modeliranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Kovač]
Number of pages:XX, 83 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148506 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165126147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2023
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Title:Smart Readiness Index of buildings impact on building energy performance indicators
The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) was introduced in the 2018 revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive to provide an overview and evaluation of the impact of advanced and adapted technical building system technologies on the energy efficiency of buildings. In addition to the building energy performance indicators, a new indicator is introduced to promote the use of state-of-the-art smart technologies in buildings. These contribute to increased living and working comfort, the decarbonisation of the building sector and the upgrading of buildings into building blocks for smart grids. As the indicator is in the implementation phase and its impact on energy efficiency is not yet fully defined, the work focuses on establishing the correlation between the SRI value and the energy efficiency of buildings. The work analyses the energy performance of a single-family house and a commercial-residential building at different SRI ratings. It was found that a higher Smart System Readiness Index for buildings with the same technical building systems, means better energy efficiency and lower carbon dioxide emissions.

Keywords:smart readiness index of buildings, near-zero energy buildings, smart building services, technical building systems, energy use in buildings, numerical modelling

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