
Analiza obremenitev gibanj v vertikalni smeri pri košarki 3x3 : magistrsko delo
ID Brišnik, Tjaša (Author), ID Štirn, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osnovni namen magistrskega dela je bil proučiti obremenitve v vertikalni smeri pri košarki 3x3 pri ženskah in pri moških ter preveriti uporabnost sistema VERT v tej specifični igri, kjer doslej še ni bil uporabljen. V raziskavo smo vključili tri ekipe, ki smo jih spremljali med petimi zaključnimi tekmami državnega prvenstva v košarki 3x3. Z uporabo inercialne merilne naprave VERT, ki je bila predhodno umerjena s pomočjo pritiskovne plošče, smo zabeležili in natančno izmerili vse skoke igralcev. Spremljali smo pogostost in višino skokov, izvedenih med tekmo. Pridobljene rezultate smo statistično obdelali s programom IBM SPSS Statistics, pri čemer smo uporabili Mann-Whitneyjev U test. Ugotovili smo, da je bilo število skokov pri moških večje kot pri ženskah. Največja razlika v številu izvedenih skokov med tekmami je bila opažena pri skoku za žogo s sonožnim odrivom ter skoku za žogo z enonožnim odrivom. Rezultati so pokazali, da so vrednosti vertikalnih skokov močno variirale, pri članicah v razponu od 8,90 cm do 30,80 cm, s povprečno višino skoka 16,19 cm, pri članih pa od 7,70 cm do 54,00 cm, s povprečno višino skoka 25,22 cm. Glede relativne vrednosti skokov so se v povprečju najpogosteje pojavljale višine nekaj nad 50,00 % maksimalne višine, tako pri ženskah kot pri moških. Najvišje dosežene višine so se pri moških pojavile pri metih z enonožnim odrivom s polaganjem in blokiranju metov, kjer so višine presegale 70,00 % največje višine.

Keywords:košarka 3x3, skok, zunanja obremenitev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148492 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166256387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of Movement Strains in Vertical Direction in 3x3 Basketball
The master's thesis aimed to study the strains in a vertical direction during women’s and men’s 3x3 basketball games, while examining the usability of the VERT system in this specific game, where it has not been used before. Three teams were included in the research, and we observed them during the final matches of the 3x3 basketball national championship’s final matches. Using the inertial measuring device VERT, calibrated with the help of a pressure plate beforehand, we recorded and accurately measured all players' jumps executed during the game. The frequency and height of these jumps were monitored. The results were statistically processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics programme, employing the Mann-Whitney U test. The findings indicated that the number of jumps was higher among men than women. The most significant difference in the number of jumps during the games was observed in two- and one-legged jumps for the ball. The vertical jump values varied considerably, ranging from 8.90 cm to 30.80 cm among female team members, with an average jump height of 16.19 cm. For male team members, the jump heights ranged from 7.70 cm to 54.00 cm, with an average jump height of 25.22 cm. The results showed that the values of the vertical jumps varied. In terms of relative value of the jumps, both men and women frequently achieved jump heights slightly above 50,00 % of the maximum height. The highest reached heights occurred in males' one-legged jump layups and blocking shots, where the heights exceeded 70,00 % of the maximum height.

Keywords:3x3 basketball, jump, external strain

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