
Digitalna tehnologija v šolskem prostoru in vzgoja otrok za življenje v digitalni dobi : magistrsko delo
ID Ogrin, Kristina (Author), ID Tašner, Veronika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu obravnavamo vprašanje uporabe digitalne tehnologije v šolskem prostoru, zlasti v učilnici. Preučena je literatura s področja vplivov uporabe digitalne tehnologije otroka na njegov razvoj. Na podlagi tega so zbrane smernice za vpeljavo digitalne tehnologije v pouk, ki jih naj bi učitelji upoštevali z namenom obvarovanja otrok pred negativnimi vplivi medijev oziroma kot vodilo za pametno uporabo medijev pri otroku, ki lahko zagotovi tudi uspešen izid. Nadalje je podan oris trenutnega stanja glede znanja in digitalnih kompetenc učiteljev, sestave učnih načrtov na področju rabe digitalne tehnologije ter opremljenost šol s potrebnim, kakovostnim materialom za delo. Zbrani so tudi primeri praks vključevanja digitalne tehnologije v proces poučevanja od 5. do 1. razreda. Nazadnje je poudarjen še pomen vzgoje za pripravo otrok in mladih na življenje v digitalni dobi. Izsledki nevroznanosti sporočajo, da so vplivi uporabe digitalne tehnologije na možgane precej agresivni. Ne moremo reči, da digitalna tehnologija vpliva le na določene centre v možganih, saj ti ne delujejo izolirano. Vedno gre za povezavo med različnimi področji možganov, za t. i. nevronske mreže. Ko digitalna tehnologija vpliva na določene funkcije, posledično vpliva tudi na druge, saj so v možganih področja povezana med seboj na zelo zapletene načine. Raziskave s področja nevroznanosti ugotavljajo, da se negativni učinki prekomerne, nenadzorovane rabe digitalne tehnologije najmočneje kažejo na področju nadzorovanja pozornosti, spomina ter jezikovnih zmožnosti, torej osnov, na katerih poteka proces učenja. Področje nevroznanosti v povezavi z vplivi digitalne tehnologije na razvoj možganov pri otrocih je žal premalo poznano s strani širše javnosti, zlasti pedagoške stroke. To se kaže v nepoznavanju tega področja s strani učiteljev, neosnovanih učnih načrtih ter nepremišljeni rabi različnih orodij. V praksi lahko zasledimo nesistematično vpeljavo digitalne tehnologije v proces pouka po celi vertikali osnovne šole, kar je rezultat slabo preučenih učnih načrtov na tem področju in pomanjkanje smernic in priporočil, ki bi morali temeljiti na ugotovitvah glede razvoja otrok ob vplivih digitalne tehnologije. To je nujna osnova za kakršnokoli kvalitetno vpeljavo digitalne tehnologije v proces pouka, brez katere o reformah na tem področju ne moremo govoriti. Takšnih priporočil nasploh primanjkuje, tako glede načinov vpeljave s strani učitelja kot glede rabe samih orodij, aplikacij, programov s strani otrok. Zato vidimo veliko vrednost v sodelovanju stroke s področja nevroznanosti in pedagogike (ki je trenutno deficitno), da bo usmeritev šolskega sistema v digitalni dobi resnično v korist razvoja otrok in mladine. Šola ima tako pomembno vlogo zato, ker mora skrbeti za celoviti razvoj otroka, kar vključuje tudi vzgojno oblikovanje. S tem, kar šola predstavlja v vsej svoji obliki, sistemsko zavzame stališče glede vrednot, ki jih zagovarja, in smer, v katero vzgaja otroke in mlade. Pri tem ugotovimo, da imajo vse vrednote in pomembne zmožnosti osnovo v otroku kot individuumu, in da je treba te individualne poteze krepiti, hkrati pa najti točke sožitja z drugimi in tako spodbujati vrednoto skupnosti. Individuum in skupnost se namreč ne izključujeta, temveč sta, ravno nasprotno, v skladju drugo z drugim.

Keywords:digitalna tehnologija, vplivi na razvoj otrok, smernice za kvalitetno uporabo pri pouku, delovne vrednote
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Ogrin
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (V, 72 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148434 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:162098179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Digital Technology in Schools and Educating Children for Life in the Digital Age
This master's thesis addresses the use of digital technology in the school environment, particularly in the classroom. The literature on the impact of digital technology use on children's development is examined. Based on this, guidelines for the introduction of digital technology in the classroom are compiled, which teachers should follow in order to achieve positive outcome in children regarding the media use and it's impact. Furthermore, the current level of knowledge and digital competences of teachers, the structure of curricula for the use of digital technologies and the provision of schools with necessary, high-quality teaching materials are presented. Examples of the integration of digital technologies in the teaching of grades 5 to 1 are also collected. Finally, the importance of education in preparing children and young people for life in the digital age is highlighted. Neuroscience evidence shows that the effects of digital technology use on the brain are quite aggressive. One can not say that digital technology only affects certain centres of the brain, because that is not how the brain works. It is always about the connection between different areas of the brain, called neural networks. Consequently, if digital technology affects certain functions, it also affects others, because the areas of the brain are interconnected in a very complex way. Neuroscience research shows that the effects of excessive, uncontrolled use of digital technology are felt most clearly in the areas of attention control, memory and language skills - the foundations of learning. The field of neuroscience as it relates to the effects of digital technology on the development of children's brain is unfortunately not well understood by the general public, and in particular by the educational professions. This is reflected in teachers' lack of knowledge in this area, inadequately developed curricula, and thoughtless use of various tools. In practise, we can observe the unsystematic introduction of digital technology into the teaching process throughout the primary school vertical, which is the result of poorly conceived curricula in this area and the lack of guidelines and recommendations that should be based on the evidence about children's development in relation to the impact of digital technology. This is a necessary foundation for any quality introduction of digital technology into the teaching process, without which reforms in this area are impossible. In general, there is a lack of such guidelines, both in terms of how teachers should introduce digital technologies and how children should use the tools, applications, and programmes themselves. We therefore see great value in collaboration between the neurosciences and educational professions (which currently tends to be lacking) to ensure that the direction of the school system in the digital age truly benefits child and adolescent development. Schools have such an important role to play because they must provide for the total development of the child, which includes educational formation. Through what the school represents in all its forms, it takes a systemic position on the values it upholds and the direction it takes in educating children and youth. In doing so, we recognise that all values and important abilities are grounded in the child as an individual and that it is necessary to strengthen these individual qualities while also finding common ground with others and thus promoting the value of community – these are not mutually exclusive, but, on the contrary, are in harmony with each other.

Keywords:digital technology, impact on children's development, guidelines for quality use in the classroom, educational values

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