
Laserski pulzi z visoko ponavljalno frekvenco
ID Kramar, Julij (Author), ID Agrež, Vid (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petkovšek, Rok (Comentor)

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V okviru naloge smo raziskali množilnik frekvence, ki ponavljalno frekvenco laserja 30 MHz pomnoži s faktorjem 32, tako da dobimo zaporedje laserskih pulzov pri 960 MHz. S ponavljalnimi frekvencami blizu gigaherčnih lahko dosežemo višjo učinkovitost ablacije materiala, hkrati pa dosežemo manjše poškodbe na okoliškem materialu. Ponavljalno frekvenco smo množili s pomočjo deljenja in zakasnjevanja pulzov v optičnih vlaknih. Dosegli smo ponavljalno frekvenco 960 MHz, pri tem je bil standardni odklon energije izhodnih pulzov 3 %, in razliko med najdaljšim in najkrajšim pulzom 0,45 ps. Množilnik se je preizkusilo v testni postavitvi, v kateri so še dodatni ojačevalnik za kompenzacijo izgub v množilniku, filter za svetlobo valovne dolžine 1030 nm in 99/1 sklopnik za nadzor delovanja.

Keywords:pulzni laserji, vlakenski laserji, gigaherčna ponavljalna frekvenca, ablacijsko hlajenje, množilnik frekvence, laserske obdelave
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Kramar]
Number of pages:X, 24 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148375 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:162930947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Laser pulses with high repetition rate
In the context of the final thesis, the frequency multiplier was researched. It multiplies the pulses repetition rate of the 30 MHz laser by a factor of 32, so that we get a 960 MHz laser. With pulse repetition rates near gigahertz, both higher material ablation efficiency and less damage to the surrounding material can be achieved. The repetition rate was multiplied by the dividing and delaying of pulses in optical fibers. A repetition rate of 960 MHz was reached, with a standard deviation of the output pulse energy of 3% and the difference between the longest and shortest pulses of 0,45 ps. The multiplier was also tested with an additional amplifier to compensate losses in the multiplier, a 1030 nm optical filter and a 99/1 operating control coupler.

Keywords:laser pulses, fiber lasers, gigahertz repetition rate, ablation cooling, frequency multiplier, laser processing

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