
Vpliv brezglutenske prehrane na zmogljivost kolesarjev pri različnih tipih vadbe vzdržljivosti : magistrsko delo
ID Homan, Sara (Author), ID Rauter, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Benedik, Evgen (Comentor)

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Za povečanje telesne zmogljivosti se poleg različnih metod vadbe uporabljajo vrste prehranskih strategij, ki so še posebej pomembne v vzdržljivostnih panogah. Pri dlje trajajočih obremenitvah, se do 70 % vzdržljivostnih športnikov srečuje z gastrointestinalnimi (GI) motnjami. Ker naj bi brezglutenska prehrana (GFD) zmanjšala prebavne motnje, sistemsko vnetje in povečala telesno zmogljivost, je v porastu število športnikov, brez potrjene diagnoze celiakije ali neceliakalne preobčutljivosti na gluten, ki se odločijo za GFD. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti ali ima GFD vpliv na zmogljivost kolesarjev pri različnih načinih vadbe vzdržljivosti. Merjenci so bili naključno razporejeni v eno izmed štirih skupin; (1) GFD in nizko intenzivna vadba (LIT), (2) navadna prehrana in LIT, (3) GFD in visoko intenzivna vadba (HIT) ter (4) navadna prehrana in HIT. Pred začetkom intervencije so kolesarji opravili modificiran kolesarski test in izpolnili vprašalnik o pogostosti uživanja živil (FFQ) ter vprašalnik za oceno GI simptomih. Sledila je 30-dnevna intervencija. Glede na predhodne raziskave, ki jih na tem področju še vedno primanjkuje, smo domnevali, da GFD ne bo imela vpliva na telesno zmogljivost kolesarjev. Pričakovali pa smo učinke HIT na maksimalni privzem kisika (VO2max) ter relativno maksimalno izhodno moč (RPP). Po zaključku intervencije se je pokazalo, da GFD ni imela vpliva na izboljšanje telesne zmogljivosti. Do statistično pomembnega napredka na RPP je prišlo pri HIT in običajni prehrani (p = 0,004). Pri VO2max nismo ugotovili statistično pomembnih sprememb. LIT in normalna prehrana sta po koncu intervencije izboljšala GI simptome med aktivnostjo (p = 0,009). Po aktivnosti je na izboljšanje GI simptomov imel vpliv LIT (p = 0,039). Zaradi majhnega števila merjencev in zasnove raziskave, bi v prihodnje predlagali intervencijo na večjem številu kolesarjev ter izvajanje vadbe v bolj kontroliranem okolju.

Keywords:Visoko intenzivna vadba, nizko intenzivna vadba, telesna zmogljivost, brezglutenska prehrana, gastrointestinalni simptomi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148373 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166255107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of gluten-free diet on cyclists performance in different types of endurance training
In addition to different exercise methods, a variety of nutritional strategies are used to increase physical performance, which are particularly important in endurance disciplines. Up to 70% of endurance athletes experience gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances during prolonged exercise. As a gluten-free diet (GFD) is thought to reduce GI disturbances, systemic inflammation and increase physical performance, there is an increase in the number of athletes, without a confirmed diagnosis of coeliac disease or gluten intolerance, who choose a GFD. The aim of the study was to determine whether a GFD has an impact on cyclists performance during different modes of endurance exercise. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of four groups; (1) GFD and low-intensity training (LIT), (2) regular diet and LIT, (3) GFD and high-intensity training (HIT), and (4) regular diet and HIT. Before the start of the intervention, cyclists completed a modified cycling test and completed a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and a GI symptom assessment questionnaire. A 30-day intervention followed. Based on previous studies, which are still lacking in this area, we hypothesized that a GFD would have no effect on the cyclists' physical performance. However, we expected effects of HIT on VO2max and relative maximal power (RPP). At the end of the intervention, it was shown that a GFD had no effect on the improvement in physical performance. A statistically significant improvement in RPP occurred with HIT and conventional diet (p = 0.004). No statistically significant changes were found in VO2max. LIT and normal diet improved GI symptoms during activity after the intervention (p = 0.009). After activity, the improvement in GI symptoms was influenced by the LIT (p = 0.039). Due to the small number of subjects and the design of the study, we would suggest in the future to intervene on a larger number of cyclists and to perform the training in a more controlled environment.

Keywords:High-intensity exercise, low-intensity exercise, physical performance, gluten-free diet, gastrointestinal symptoms

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