
Pomnjenje lastnih likovnih izdelkov v predšolskem obdobju : diplomsko delo
ID Bačnik, Veronika (Author), ID Podobnik, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delovanje spomina je kompleksen proces, ki se med posamezniki zelo razlikuje. Poznamo vrsto različnih spominov, ki se individualno izražajo med različnimi posamezniki, zato je govor o spominu zelo zapleten. V diplomskem delu sem se najprej posvetila opisovanju značilnosti spomina, njegovega delovanja in razlikovanju med različnimi vrstami le-tega. Podrobneje sem opisala delovni in vizualni spomin, saj se v nadaljevanju dela spomin povezuje s področjem umetnosti, pri kateri je eden izmed najpomembnejših čutov ravno vid preko katerega sprejemamo vizualni svet. Na pomnjenje vpliva veliko stvari, zato sem se osredotočila na opis dejavnikov pomnjenja ter opisala pozabljanje. V zaključku poglavja sem zapisala nekaj besed o spominu pri predšolskih otrocih. V nadaljevanju sem se posvetila področju umetnosti ter vplivu čutil, predvsem vida, na sprejemanje le-te. Pri umetniškem ustvarjanju sodelujejo različni čuti, vsak na svoj način in z različno intenziteto glede na likovno področje. Veliko avtorjev opozarja na pomembnost likovne vzgoje že v vrtcih ter želi s tem vplivati na njeno kvaliteto. Z vse večjim zavedanjem tega, sem v nadaljevanju zapisala nekaj o razvoju likovnega izražanja v predšolskem obdobju. Osredotočila sem se na področji risanja in kiparjenja, ki sta temeljni dejavnosti empiričnega dela. V empiričnem delu sledi predstavitev raziskave pomnjenja lastnih likovnih izdelkov po določenem času, ki sem jo izvedla v vrtcu. Zanimala me je razlika v kvaliteti pomnjenja med risarskimi in kiparskimi izdelki, hkrati pa sem želela raziskati dejavnike, ki so lahko vplivali na to. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo otroci zelo dober spomin za lastne likovne izdelke. Na to imajo lahko vpliv čas izdelovanja, samostojnost izdelovanja, zadovoljstvo z izdelkom in drugi dejavniki, ki sem jih opisala v besedilu.

Keywords:spomin, predšolski otrok, umetnost, risanje, kiparjenje, dejavniki zapomnitve
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:V. Bačnik
Number of pages:51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148370 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:161682947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Preschool Children Memorising Their Own Artwork
Memory is a complex process that varies greatly between individuals. There are many different kinds of memories, expressed individually by different individuals, which makes the discussion of memory very complex. In my thesis, I first described the characteristics of memory, how it works and how it is distinguished between different types of memory. I have described working memory and visual memory in more detail, because in the rest of the thesis, memory is linked to the field of art, where one of the most important senses is the sense of sight, through which we perceive the visual world. Many things affect remembering, so I have focused on describing the factors of remembering and forgetting. In the conclusion of this chapter, I wrote a few words about memory in preschool children. I then turned to the field of art and the influence of the senses, especially sight, on the reception of art. Different senses are involved in artistic creation, each in its own way and with different intensity depending on the artistic field. Many authors point to the importance of art education already in kindergartens, with the aim of influencing its quality. With this growing awareness, I have written below about the development of artistic expression in the pre-school years. I focused on drawing and sculpture, which are the core activities of the empirical work. In the empirical part, I will present a study on the recall of one's own art products after a certain period of time, which I carried out in a kindergarten. I was interested in the difference in the quality of memory between drawing and sculpture, and I wanted to investigate the factors that might have influenced this. The results showed that children have a very good memory for their own artwork. This can be influenced by production time, autonomy of production, satisfaction with the product and other factors that I have described in the text.

Keywords:memory, pre-school child, art, drawing, sculpting, memorability factors

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