
PROSTOR NEZADOVOLJNIH LJUDI - Revitalizacija poslovno-stanovanjskega kompleksa SPB-1 v Domžalah
ID Kovič, Taja (Author), ID Vodopivec, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Medvešek, Gašper (Comentor)

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Stanovanjska kriza v Sloveniji je postala družbena kriza vseh nas. Odsotnost učinkovite stanovanjske politike in nepremičninskega davka ter špekulativna vlaganja v nepremičnine so prispevala k rasti cen nepremičnin. Turizem je povzročil gentrifikacijo mest in izseljevanje ljudi, saj se stanovanja uporabljajo za kratkoročne najeme turistom. Problematično je tudi pomanjkanje neprofitnih najemniških stanovanj, cene najemnin so zastarele, objekti pa potrebni obnove. Nedostopna in nadstandardna novogradnja je namenjena le peščici najbogatejših, medtem ko mladi težko dostopajo do lastnih stanovanj. Rast cen stanovanj je posledica visokega povpraševanja, omejene ponudbe novogradenj in višjih stroškov gradnje. Vse to prispeva k stanovanjski krizi, ki zahteva učinkovite ukrepe. Na drugi strani pospešene gradnje nadstandardnih stanovanj, pa (po)ostajajo pozabljeni večstanovanjski objekti in soseske, zgrajeni in zasnovani v času socializma. Večina takšnih stanovanj je potrebna prenove, saj so zastarela, neprilagojena življenjskim potrebam in energetsko neučinkovita. Eden takšnih objektov je tudi poslovno-stanovanjski objekt SPB-1 v Domžalah. Nakopičenih problemov se zavedajo vsi. Občina in njegovi solastniki, a kljub številnim prizadevanjem po prenovi kompleksa se do danes, več kot štirideset let po izgradnji, ni zgodilo še nič konkretnega. Vidno dotrajana fasada, temačna in v veliki meri zapuščena pritlična javna pasaža, visoki mesečni stanovanjski stroški in jezna pisma nezadovoljnih prebivalcev pričajo o stanju kompleksa, ki je nujno potreben prenove. Prenova je načrtovana v štirih fazah - rušenje, sanacija obstoječega, dodajanje novega in nova programska zasnova, s ciljem izboljšati bivanje, izkušnjo uporabnikov ter povečati vlogo poslovno-stanovanjskega objekta SPB-1 v mestnem življenju Domžal.

Keywords:Stanovanjska kriza, nepremičninski trg, stanovanjski fond, prenova, življenje v mestu, skupnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148366 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158999555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:SPACE OF DISCONTENTED PEOPLE - Renovation of housing complex SPB-1 in Domžale
The housing crisis in Slovenia has become a social crisis for all of us. The absence of an effective housing policy and real estate tax, along with speculative investments in real estate, have contributed to the rising property prices. Tourism has caused gentrification of cities and forced people to move out as apartments are used for short-term rentals to tourists. The lack of non-profit rental housing and outdated rental prices, combined with the need for renovation, pose additional problems. Unaffordable luxury new developments cater only to a handful of the wealthiest, while young people struggle to access their own homes. The rising property prices are a result of high demand, limited supply of new constructions, and increased construction costs. All these factors contribute to the housing crisis, which requires effective measures. Meanwhile, as the construction of luxury housing accelerates, multi-apartment buildings and neighborhoods built during socialism are being neglected. Most of these apartments need renovation, as they are outdated, not adapted to current needs, and energy-inefficient. One such building is the mixed-use complex SPB-1 in Domžale. All parties involved, including the municipality and co-owners, are aware of the accumulated problems. However, despite numerous efforts for renovation, nothing concrete has happened to date, more than forty years after its construction. The visibly dilapidated facade, dim and largely abandoned public passage on the ground floor, high monthly housing costs, and angry letters from dissatisfied residents testify to the urgent need for renovation. The renovation is planned in four phases: demolition, existing structure rehabilitation, addition of new elements, and a new programm scheme, with the aim of improving living conditions, user experience, and enhancing the role of the mixed-use complex SPB-1 in the urban life of Domžale.

Keywords:Housing crisis, real estate market, housing stock, renovation, urban living, community

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