
Prekinimo tišino! Idejna zasnova popotresne prenove in razširitve glasbene šole Frana Lhotke v Sisku
ID Pavlić, Marina (Author), ID Krušec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Munda, Miha (Comentor)

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Okolico mesta Petrinje je konec decembra 2020 prizadel najbolj uničujoč potres na Hrvaškem v zadnjih 100 letih, ki je za seboj pustil ogromno materialno škodo na že tako slabše razvitem področju. Dve leti po naravni katastrofi se prenova še vedno čaka. Čas je za prekinitev tišine, posledico velike katastrofe. Med številnimi objekti, poškodovanimi v potresu, si veliko pozornost zasluži Glasbena šola Frana Lhotke v Sisku. Stavba, nekoč zgrajena kot sinagoga na pomembnem mestnem trgu, kljub svoji arhitekturni, urbanistični in ambientalni vrednosti ni bila nikdar označena za kulturno dediščino. Njen prvobitni izvor je počasi tekel v pozabo. Magistrsko delo skuša skozi sodobno interpretacijo ponuditi idejno rešitev prenove in razširitve Glasbene šole Frana Lhotke v Sisku. Izhajajoč iz prostorskih analiz in raziskovanja skuša magistrsko delo obnoviti prvotne arhitekturne vrednosti obstoječe stavbe, oblikovati nov volumen z vsemi prostori, ki jih sodobna glasbena šola potrebuje ter star in nov del smiselno povezati v celoto. Širitev glasbene šole zasnujem pod trgom pred obstoječo stavbo, nekdanjo sinagogo. Z valorizacijo, povezovanjem novega in starega z jasno potjo, je moj cilj z novim volumnom povezati in zasnovati nekaj novega, kar na videz ne konkurira staremu in ni dominantno, a z rdečo nitjo povezuje prostor. Trg zarežem in izvotlim, nastalo praznino pa pokrijem s streho. Ta je narezana na nagubane trakove med katerimi prehaja svetloba. Streha je namensko pohodna in prostoru vrača odvzet trg. Pod sprehajalci se tako odvija izobraževanje in kultura, nekdanja sinagoga pa zdaj kot koncertna dvorana glasbene šole dostojanstveno raste kot ključ na začetku glasbene lestvice.

Keywords:potres, prenova, glasbena šola, sinagoga, trg, kultura, izobraževanje, urbanizem, arhitektura, Sisak
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148354 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:159104515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Let's break the silence! Conceptual design of the post-earthquake renovation and expansion of theFran Lhotka Music School in Sisak
At the end of December 2020, Petrinja and surrounding areas were hit by the most destructive earthquake in Croatia in the last 100 years, which left behind enormous material damage in an already less developed area. Two years later, renovations are still pending. It is time to break the silence - the aftermath of a major disaster. Among the many buildings damaged in the earthquake, one that deserves much attention is Fran Lhotka Music School in Sisak. The building, originally established to be a synagogue on an important city square, was never designated as a cultural heritage site despite its architectural, urban and ambiental value. Its origin is slowly being forgotten. Through a modern interpretation, the master's thesis tries to offer a conceptual design for the renovation and expansion of Fran Lhotka Music School. Based on site analysis and research, the master's thesis tries to restore the original architectural values of the existing building, create a new volume with all the spaces needed for a modern music school, and sensibly connect the old and the new into a whole. By designing an expansion of the school under the square in front of the existing building, the new volume does not compromise the dominance of the former synagogue. The roof, cut into strips so that light passes between them, is walkable and as such creates a square in a new form. Education and culture flow under the new public space, while the former synagogue, now a concert hall, regains its dignity.

Keywords:earthquake, renovation, music school, synagogue, square, culture, education, urban design, architecture, Sisak

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