
Obvladovanje postopkov zaščite živil v izbranem živilskem podjetju : magistrsko delo
ID Kolbl, Anja (Author), ID Jevšnik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žižek, Andreja (Comentor), ID Ovca, Andrej (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Namerno onesnaženje živil je danes velik problem v celotni agroživilski verigi, saj lahko škodljivo vpliva tako na zdravje ljudi kot na poslovanje podjetja. Eden ključnih pristopov, ki prispeva k zmanjšanju tveganj namernega onesnaženja živil, je zaščita živil. Namen: Analizirati, kako je zaščita živil opredeljena v IFS Food standardu in kakšne so zahteve za zaščito živil. Poleg tega tudi ugotoviti, kako so v izbranem živilskem podjetju vzpostavljeni in v praksi izvajani ukrepi za zaščito živil skladno s standardom IFS Food v7, in analizirati ravnanje zaposlenih z vidika namernega onesnaženja živil. Metode dela: Pregled zahtev, ki jih za področje zaščite živil navaja standard IFS Food v7 in pregled internih zahtev izbranega živilskega podjetja, vezanih na zaščito živil. Na podlagi tega smo pripravili orodje za analizo ukrepov na področju zaščite živil. Na osnovi pripravljenega orodja smo izvedli pregled dejanskega stanja zaščite živil v izbranem živilskem podjetju in le-to primerjali s prej navedenimi zahtevami. V primeru ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti smo predlagali dodatne preventivne ukrepe. V okviru kvalitativnega raziskovanja smo podatke zbirali s pomočjo prikritega opazovanja zaposlenih v proizvodnih prostorih izbranega živilskega podjetja. Opazovani področji sta bili način sprejemanja obiskovalcev in usposobljenost zaposlenih za zavezanost k zaščiti živil. Ocenjevali smo ravnanje varnostnika in ravnanje zaposlenih v proizvodnih prostorih podjetja. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da ima izbrano živilsko podjetje vzpostavljene zadostne preventivne ukrepe za zaščito živil skladno z zahtevami IFS Food v7, vendar ti v praksi niso v celoti izvajani skladno z zahtevami standarda IFS Food v7 in internimi navodili. Pomanjkljivosti so bile ugotovljene pri štirih elementih, in sicer zunanji in notranji varnosti, varnosti proizvodnje in varnosti zaposlenih. Prihodi in odhodi obiskovalcev niso bili evidentirani, čeprav so bili nadzorovani s strani varnostnika. V opazovanih proizvodnih prostorih, za katere smo ocenili, da so z vidika namernega onesnaženja živil najbolj kritični, zaposleni niso bili pozorni na to, kdo se giblje v njihovi okolici, na prisotnost zunanje osebe se niso odzvali. Namerno dejanje zunanje osebe so zaznali le štirje od desetih zaposlenih. Razprava in zaključek: Informacij o zaščiti živil je malo, saj gre za relativno nov koncept. Posledično je tudi znanje in ravnanje zaposlenih v živilskem podjetju glede zaščite živil pomanjkljivo. Izobraževanje o zaščiti živil bi bilo potrebno tako za zaposlene kot za vodstveno osebje živilskega podjetja.

Keywords:magistrska dela, sanitarno inženirstvo, zaščita živil, akcijski načrt, varnost živil, nadzor, vzdrževanje, živilsko podjetje, proizvodnja hrane
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Kolbl]
Number of pages:31 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148188 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:161818883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Management of food protection procedures in the selected food company : master thesis
Introduction: Intentional food contamination is a significant problem in the entire agrifood chain today, as it can have harmful effects on both human health and business operations. One of the key approaches contributing to the reduction of intentional food contamination risks is food protection. Objective: To analyze how food protection is defined in the IFS Food standard and what the requirements for food protection are. Additionally, the aim was to determine how measures for food protection are established and implemented in practice in a selected food company, in accordance with the IFS Food version 7 standard, and to analyze employee behavior concerning intentional food contamination. Methods: Review of the requirements specified by the IFS Food version 7 standard for food protection and internal requirements of the selected food company related to food protection. Based on this, a tool for analyzing measures in the field of food protection was prepared. Using the prepared tool, an assessment of the actual state of food protection in the selected food company was conducted and compared with the aforementioned requirements. In case of identified deficiencies, we have proposed additional preventive measurements. In the qualitative research, data were collected through covert observation of employees in the production areas of the selected food company. The observed areas included visitor reception and employee training regarding commitment to food protection. The behavior of the security guard and employees in the company's production areas was evaluated. Results: It was found that the selected food company has established sufficient measures for food protection in line with the requirements of the IFS Food version 7 standard. However, these measures are not fully implemented in practice according to the requirements of the IFS Food version 7 standard and internal guidelines. Deficiencies were identified in four elements, namely external and internal security, production safety, and employee safety. Visitor arrivals and departures were not recorded, although they were monitored by the security guard. In the observed production areas, which were assessed as the most critical in terms of intentional food contamination, employees were not attentive to who was present in their vicinity and did not respond to the presence of an outsider. Only four out of ten employees noticed the intentional act by an outsider. Discussion and conclusion: There is limited information about food protection, as it is a relatively new concept. Consequently, knowledge and employee behavior regarding food protection in the food company are deficient. Education on food protection is necessary for both employees and management personnel in the food company.

Keywords:master's theses, sanitary engineering, food protection, action plan, food safety, control, maintenance, food company, food production

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