
Metafikcijskost v romanih Frankissstein J. Wintersson, The Book of Form and Emptiness R. Ozeki in Mesto v oblakih A. Doerrja
ID Slavec, Maruška (Author), ID Krevel, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z metafikcijskimi prvinami v romanih The Book of Form and Emptiness ameriške pisateljice Ruth Ozeki, Cloud Cuckoo Land ameriškega pisatelja Anthonyja Doerrja in Frankissstein angleške pisateljice Jeanette Winterson, ki so izšli v zadnjih štirih letih. Prva polovica dela predstavlja teorijo metafikcije kot literarnega načina, problematiko opredelitve in predstavitev njenih tipologij ter pregled razvoja le-te od romanov, ki so nastali pred postmodernizmom, ko še ni bila poimenovana, do 20. stoletja, ko je postala ena od najbolj plodnih in izvirnih pisateljskih strategij. Pri tem je pomembna opredelitev ontološke in epistemološke fikcije. V drugem delu magistrskega dela sledi interpretativna in tematska analiza romanov Frankissstein, The Book of Form and Emptiness in Cloud Cuckoo Land. Pri vsakem so najprej po tipologiji Julije Uršič iz monografije Metamatika izluščene medbesedilne in metabesedilne strategije, nato pa še teme, pri katerih je metafikcijskost najbolj zgoščena. Pri vsakem od romanov je v ospredju vprašanje, kako avtorji skozi svoje pripovedi izgrajujejo ontološko resničnost in s kakšnim namenom uporabljajo metafikcijske postopke: za opozarjanje na problematičen odnos med realnostjo in fikcijo ter na mnoštvo subjektivnih resnic ali za sklicevanje na prisotnost avtorja, ki lahko ontološko resničnost spodkopava ali izgrajuje. Poseben poudarek je tudi na skupnih temah, kot so pomembnost književnosti in pisateljevanja, problematika identitete avtorja in protagonista/-ov ter sodobnejše tematike, kot so tehnologija, umetna inteligenca, vloge spolov in duševno zdravje.

Keywords:metafikcija, medbesedilnost, sodobni roman, Anthony Doerr, Ruth Ozeki, Jeanette Winterson
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148153 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:160974851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.07.2023
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Title:Metafiction in novels Frankissstein by J. Winterson, The Book of Form and Emptiness by R. Ozeki and Cloud Cuckoo Land by A. Doerr
This master thesis offers an analysis of metafictional elements in the novels The Book of Form and Emptiness by the American writer Ruth Ozeki, Cloud Cuckoo Land by the American writer Anthony Doerr and Frankissstein by the English writer Jeanette Winterson, all published in the last four years. The first half of the thesis presents the theory of metafiction as a literary mode, the problems of definition and the overview of its typologies. Moreover, it charts its development from pre-postmodern novels, when it was not yet identified, to the twentieth century, when it became one of the most prolific and innovative writing strategies. The focus is on the classification of ontological and epistemological fiction. The second part of the thesis offers the interpretative and thematic analysis of the novels Frankissstein, The Book of Form and Emptiness and Cloud Cuckoo Land. Firstly, the focus is on the intertextual and meta-textual strategies according to the typology of Julija Uršič’ study Metamatika. Afterwards, we look at the themes and discern where the metafiction is most concentrated. The question is how the authors construct ontological reality through their narratives and to what end they use metafiction as a literary mode: either to draw attention to the problematic relationship between reality and fiction and to the multiplicity of subjective truths, or to invoke the presence of an author who can undermine or construct the ontological reality. There is also a particular focus on common themes such as the importance of literature and writing, the identity of the author and the protagonist(s), and more contemporary issues such as technology, artificial intelligence, gender roles and mental health.

Keywords:metafiction, intertextuality, contemporary novel, Anthony Doerr, Ruth Ozeki, Jeanette Winterson

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