
Kmetijski tehnološki center: Idejna zasnova prenove Fužin nad Ajdovščino.
ID Kobal, Monika (Author), ID Žnidaršič, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čakš, Katarina (Comentor)

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Zaključna naloga raziskuje zgodovino, problematiko in prihodnost kmetijstva na območju Vipavske doline. Izpostavljena je vloga reke Vipave z njenimi pritoki od Izvira v mestu Vipava do prečkanja meje z Italijo. Ta je skozi zgodovino pokrajino napajala z vodo, prinašala na območje rodovitno prst in poganjala več 100 kamnitih mlinov in fužin, ki so danes večinoma v slabem stanju ter si delijo skupno usodo propadanja. V nalogi raziskujem pomen ponovne uporabe kamnitih mlinov, ki so sicer pozabljeni, a pomembni zaradi svoje zgodovinske in kulturne vloge, strateških lokacij ob reki Vipavi in neposredne bližine polj, vinogradov in sadovnjakov. Natančneje so obravnavane Fužine in pripadajoči mlin ob izviru Hublja nad Ajdovščino, kjer so nekoč pridelovali in predelovali železo. Na to območje je umeščen Kmetijski tehnološki center, večplastna organizacija, namenjena povezovanju različnih skupnosti, naslavljanju in reševanju aktualnih problemov v kmetijstvu ter tehnološkemu razvoju te dejavnosti. Koncept prenove predlaga razširitev trenutnega stanja in ohranjanje obstoječih ruševin. Pri dodajanju novih objektov upošteva urbanistične in zgodovinske principe gradnje in z umeščenostjo dopolnjuje obstoječe stanje. Določena je jasna mejo med novim in obstoječim z obliko, materialnostjo in zaznavo. Projekt predstavi Fužine ob Hublju kot referenčni primer za prenovo ostalih mlinov, ki bi z novimi, ustreznimi programi podpirali razvoj kmetijstva in ostalih dejavnosti na Vipavskem.

Keywords:Arhitektura, kmetijstvo, prenova, Vipavska dolina, mlin, Fužine, tehnološki in izobraževalni center.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148122 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158887683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.07.2023
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Title:Agricultural technology centre: Renovation of Fužine above Ajdovščina.
The Thesis explores the history, issues and the future of agricultural development in the Vipava Valley region. The role of the Vipava river from its source in Vipava to the border with Italy is highlighted. Throughout history, it has nurtured the landscape with water, brought fertile soil to the area and powered more than 100 stone mills and ironworks, most of which are now in a poor state and share the joint fate of decay. In this thesis, I explore the importance of reusing these stone mills. Although forgotten, they are important for their historical and cultural role, their strategic location along the Vipava river and their close proximity to fields, vineyards and orchards. More specifically, Fužine and the associated mill at the Hubelj river spring above Ajdovščina, where iron was once produced and processed. In this area, Agricultural Technology Centre is placed, a multifaceted organisation aimed at bringing together different communities, addressing and solving current problems in farming and agricultural developing. The concept proposes to extend the current situation and preserve the existing ruins. The addition of new buildings takes into account the urban and historical principles and is complementary to the existing situation. A clear boundary between new and existing is established through form, materiality and perception. The project presents Fužine ob Hublju as a reference example for the renovation of other mills, which would support the development of agriculture and other activities in the Vipava region with new, appropriate programmes.

Keywords:Architecture, agriculture, renovation, Vipava valley, mill, ironworks, technology and education centre.

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