
Vloga knjižnice za priseljence: primer Švedske
ID Žnidaršič, Kaja (Author), ID Merčun Kariž, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vloge splošnih knjižnic se v današnjem svetu hitro spreminjajo. S svojim poslanstvom, ki temelji na zagotavljanju enakovrednega dostopa do svojih storitev vsem državljanom, so se dolžne posvetiti tudi posebnim uporabniškim skupinam. Med drugim lahko s svojimi storitvami pri vključevanju v družbo pomagajo tudi priseljencem. Namen diplomskega seminarja je bil to vlogo knjižnice podrobneje spoznati, natančneje na primeru Švedske. V raziskavi smo s pomočjo strukturiranih intervjujev in opazovanja z udeležbo pridobili informacije o nekaterih aspektih jezikovne kavarne Splošne knjižnice Växjö (enote Teleborg) in o njenih obiskovalcih. Predvsem nas je zanimalo, s kakšnim namenom se obiskovalci udeležujejo jezikovne kavarne, kakšna je bila njihova izkušnja in ali njeni obiskovalci uporabljajo tudi druge storitve knjižnice. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se je večina udeležencev raziskave jezikovne kavarne udeležila z namenom izboljšanja svojega znanja švedskega jezika, nekateri tudi iz socialnih razlogov. Večji delež izmed njih je s storitvijo zadovoljen in ima občutek, da je svoje znanje jezika izboljšal, nekateri so pridobili tudi prijatelje.

Keywords:splošne knjižnice, priseljenci, jezikovne kavarne, švedske knjižnice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148115 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164128771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of the Library for Immigrants: The Case of Sweden
In today's world, the roles of public libraries are changing rapidly. With their mission, which is based on providing equal access to their services for all citizens, they are also obliged to pay attention to special user groups. With their services they can among other things also help immigrants with their social integration. The purpose of this seminar was to explore this library role in more detail, specifically using the case of Sweden. Using structured interviews and participant observation, we gathered information about selected aspects of the language café and its visitors at the Public library of Växjö (Teleborg branch). We were particularly interested in understanding why the visitors decided to attend the café, what was their experience, and whether they also use other library services. The results of the study showed that the majority of language café visitors attended with the intention of improving their knowledge of the Swedish language, while some of them also attended for social purposes. Mostly they expressed satisfaction with the service and felt that their language skills had improved, and some even made friends.

Keywords:public libraries, immigrants, language cafés, Swedish libraries

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