
Robno obnašanje potenčnih vrst : delo diplomskega seminarja
ID Jamnik, Gaja (Author), ID Drinovec Drnovšek, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga spada v področje kompleksne analize, ki se ukvarja z robnim obnašanjem potenčnih vrst. Cilj diplomske naloge je analizirati povezavo med zaporedjem koeficientov v potenčni vrsti z možnostjo holomorfne razširitve funkcije, ki jo vrsta lokalno definira, na robne točke konvergenčnega območja vrste. To poskušamo doseči s študijem lakunarnih vrst, t.j. potenčnih vrst z zaporednimi bloki ničelnih koeficientov, ki jih imenujemo vrzeli. Izpeljemo nekaj kriterijev, ki povedo, pod kakšnimi pogoji lakunarne vrste ne moremo razširiti na nobeno robno točko. V nadaljevanju definiramo pojem prekokonvergence, ki je tesno povezan z vrzelmi v lakunarnih vrstah. Diplomsko nalogo zaključimo z dokazom Szegövega razširitvenega izreka.

Keywords:holomorfna razširitev, potenčna vrsta, robno obnašanje potenčnih vrst, lakunarna vrsta, izrek o vrzelih, prekokonvergenca
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148109 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:159894275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.07.2023
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Title:Boundary Behavior of Power Series
The thesis belongs to the field of complex analysis, which deals with the boundary behaviour of power series. The goal of the thesis is to analyse the connection between the sequence of coefficients in a power series with the possibility of holomorphic extension of the function defined locally by the series to the boundary points of the convergence domain of the series. This is attempted by studying lacunary series, which are power series with consecutive blocks of zero coefficients called gaps. Several criteria are derived that indicate under what conditions lacunary series cannot be extended to any boundary point. Furthermore, the concept of overconvergence is defined, which is closely related to the gaps in lacunary series. The thesis concludes with a proof of Szegö’s extension theorem.

Keywords:analytic continuation, power series, boundary behaviour of power series, lacunary series, gap theorem, overconvegence

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