
Prehod iz sprotne integracije na sprotno uvajanje na primeru podjetja Celtra : magistrsko delo
ID Režonja, Sandi (Author), ID Jurič, Matjaž Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Moderna sprotna integracija združuje prakse agilnega razvijanja, računalništva v oblaku in metode upravljanja z izvorno kodo. S pomočjo sprotne integracije podjetja opravijo gradnjo in testiranje kode s hitrimi povratnimi informacijami, ki omogočajo popravke. Sprotno uvajanje je naslednji korak za izboljšanje agilnega delovnega procesa, ki v proces sprotne integracije vključuje izdajo aplikacije. Ugotavljamo, da so avtomatizacija nalog, manjše neodvisne posodobitve in hitro uvajanje glavne značilnosti delovnega procesa s sprotnim uvajanjem, čeprav v praksi njihova implementacija ni nujno enostavna. Na primeru Celtre kot podjetja z obstoječim procesom razvijanja in uvajanja, se pri prehodu na sprotno uvajanje srečujemo s svojevrstnimi ovirami. Delo na ključnih projektih -- kot so avtomatizacija ročnih korakov na različnih delih cevovoda, uvedba procesa za nemoteno uvajanje migracij podatkovne baze in zagotavljanje stabilnosti glavne veje produkta -- je omogočilo predstavitev procesa prehoda iz prve roke. V obdobju enega polletja smo na Celtri uspešno prešli iz faze raziskovanja na sprotno uvajanje. V sklopu tega dela ugotavljamo številne pozitivne rezultate sprotnega uvajanja na Celtri. Vidno je zmanjšan obseg dela zaradi odprave ročnih korakov in povečano zadovoljstvo razvijalcev s pohitrenim delovnim procesom. Težave na produkciji se odpravijo hitreje in enostavneje. Za rešitve, ki so Celtro približale standardnim praksam, kot so asinhrono vzdrževanje baze, avtomatsko dodeljevanje nalog in vključitev bota za združevanje, smo našli tudi možnost produktizacije ali vpeljave v podobna podjetja.

Keywords:sprotna integracija, sprotno uvajanje, devops, cevovod dobave aplikacije, inženiring izdaje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148107 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:162130947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.07.2023
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Title:Transition from continuous integration to continuous deployment on example of Celtra company
Modern continuous integration combines agile cloud computing development practices with source code management methods. With continuous integration companies build and test code with rapid feedback that enables corrections. Continuous deployment is the next step to improve the agile workflow, which includes the release of the application into the continuous integration process. We find that task automation, small independent updates and rapid deployment are the main features of the workflow with continuous deployment, although they are not necessarily easy to implement in practice. In the case of Celtra, as a company with an existing development and deployment process, we face unique obstacles to the transition to continuous deployment. Working on the key projects of automating manual steps in different parts of the pipeline, introducing a process for smooth deployment of database migrations and ensuring the stability of the main product branch, allowed a first-hand account of the transition process. Over a period of six months, Celtra has successfully moved from the exploratory phase to continuous deployment. Within this thesis, we have observed a number of positive results from continuous deployment at Celtra. There has been a visible reduction in workload due to the elimination of manual steps and an increase in developer satisfaction because of a faster workflow. Problems in production are resolved more quickly and easily. We have also found the possibility of productization or implementation in similar companies for solutions that bring Celtra closer to standard practices, such as asynchronous database maintenance, automatic task assignment and the inclusion of a merge bot.

Keywords:continuous integration, continuous deployment, devops, application delivery pipeline, release engineering

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