
Primerjalna analiza dostopnosti prostora in storitev za starostnike v splošnih knjižnicah
ID Plankar, Nuša (Author), ID Švab, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delež starejšega prebivalstva se v razvitih državah hitro povečuje, tudi v Sloveniji. Zaradi določenih značilnosti, ki so zanje specifične, se štejejo kot posebna skupina uporabnikov v splošnih knjižnicah. Ker splošne knjižnice nudijo storitve vsem generacijam, je v bibliotekarski stroki napisanih več smernic in priporočil za pripravo storitev za starejše. Slednji se soočajo tudi s fiziološkimi spremembami, ki pogosto vodijo v gibalno oviranost, za kar so potrebne tudi primerne prostorske prilagoditve. V diplomskem seminarju smo analizirali in primerjali dostopnost storitev in prostora za starejše uporabnike v dveh splošnih knjižnicah, in sicer Knjižnici Mirana Jarca Novo mesto in Mestni knjižnici »Ivan Goran Kovačić« Karlovec. Izvedli smo pregled spletne strani in prostora ter intervjuje med zaposlenimi v obeh knjižnicah, ker nas je zanimalo, katere storitve ponujajo in na kakšen način imajo prilagojen prostor. Prav tako sta nas zanimala dostopnost potujoče knjižnice in sodelovanje z zunanjimi ustanovami. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta knjižnici prostorsko dokaj primerno prilagojeni in da nudita širok nabor storitev, tudi takih, ki so specifično namenjene starejšim uporabnikom. Njuni potujoči knjižnici obiskujeta oddaljene kraje in s tem omogočata dostop do gradiva starejšim, ki jim je matična knjižnica predaleč, ter domovom starejših občanov. Sodelujeta z zunanjimi ustanovami, ki delujejo na področju starostnikov. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov bi bilo potrebno nameniti več pozornosti spletni strani in prostovoljstvu.

Keywords:starejši, knjižnične storitve, splošne knjižnice, prostorske prilagoditve, Knjižnica Mirana Jarca Novo mesto, Mestna knjižnica »Ivan Goran Kovačić« Karlovec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148090 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:162301187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative Analysis of accessibility of space and services for the elderly in public libraries
The amount of elderly population is increasing rapidly in developed countries, including in Slovenia. Due to certain characteristics that are specific to them, they are considered a special group of users in public libraries. Since public libraries provide services to all generations, the librarian profession has written several guidelines and recommendations for preparing services for the elderly. The elderly are faced with physiological changes that often lead to mobility impairments, for which appropriate spatial adaptations are also required. In this thesis, we have analysed and compared the accessibility of services and space for older users in two public libraries, Public Library Miran Jarc Novo mesto and City Library "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Karlovac. We combed through their website and building, as well as interviewed the employees of both libraries, because we were interested in what services they offer and in what way they have adapted the space. We were also interested in the accessibility of the mobile library and their cooperation with other institutions. The results showed that the two libraries are spatially quite adapted and that they offer a wide range of services, including those specifically intended for older users. Their mobile libraries visit remote places and provide access to materials for the elderly, for whom the main library is too far away, as well as the homes of elderly citizens. They work with external institutions that perform in the field of elderly people. More emphasis should be placed on the website and volunteering.

Keywords:elderly, public libraries, library services, Public Library Miran Jarc Novo mesto, City library "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Karlovac

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