
Skladenjske značilnosti spontano govorjenih besedil : diplomsko delo
ID Lovšin, Matija (Author), ID Smolej, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sem predstavil splošne teoretične značilnosti spontanega govora oziroma spontano govorjenih besedil. Govorci se na spontani govor ne pripravijo, kar se kaže v pogostih prekinitvah pripovednega toka. Za spontani govor je značilno eksplicitno razkrivanje paradigmatske osi, ki je posledica govorčevega sprotnega odločanja o najustreznejšem jezikovnem sredstvu za opis določene pojmovnosti. Ker se govorci na govor ne pripravijo, so v spontanem govoru pogoste opuščene strukture, ki jih govorec ne izpelje do konca. Navadno se govorec po ustrezni vsebinski dopolnitvi vrne nazaj po linearni osi in opuščeno strukturo dokonča. Komentarji so besedne zveze, s katerimi govorec začasno prekine tok in pojasni okoliščine dogodka, o katerem govori, ali z njimi nakaže na dvom o pravilnosti ali ustreznosti rabe neke besede ali besedne zveze. Za spontani govor sta značilni tudi raba ujemalnega pridevniškega prilastka za odnosnico in razdruženost prilastka in odnosnice. V drugem delu diplomske naloge sem analiziral spontani govor treh govorcev iste narečne pripadnosti različnih starosti. Njihov govor sem posnel, ga ortografsko transkribiral in nato primerjalno analiziral. Pri tvorbi transkripcije govora sem se držal pravil ortografskega transkribiranja. V analizi sem se osredotočal na hitrost govora analiziranih govorcev, in preučeval vpliv hitrosti govora na pogostost prekinitev toka govora. Raziskoval sem uporabo komentarjev pri treh govorcih, osredotočal sem se tudi na specifične besedilne povezovalce, večinoma členke, ki so zaznamovali govor posameznega govorca.

Keywords:slovenščina, srednjesavinjsko narečje, celjski mestni govor, skladnja, ortografija, analiza, govorec, transkripcija, povezovalec, spontani govor, ortografska transkripcija, linearna os, paradigmatska os, sintagmatska os, pripovedni tok, komentar
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Lovšin]
Number of pages:43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148086 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166502403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Syntactic Characteristics of Spontaneously Spoken Texts
In my thesis I have presented rudimentary theoretical characteristics of spontaneously spoken texts. When they speak spontaneously, the speakers are unprepared, which results in many interruptions of the flow of the speech. In spontaneous speech, the unveiling of the paradigmatic axis is quite common, which is the result of the speaker’s on the fly decision-making regarding the choice of linguistic units that are the most suitable to convey certain information. Because the speakers do not prepare their speech, there are various abandoned structures that the speaker does not finish right away. In most cases, the speaker goes back on the syntagmatic axis and returns to the structure after the addition of information they deem necessary and suitable, and then completes the abandoned structure. Comments are phrases that stop the flow of the speech. The speaker uses these structures to explain the circumstances of the event they are describing or to express doubt about the correctness or suitability of the use of a word or phrase. Spontaneous speech is furthermore characterised by attributive adjectives that follow the headword or are detached from the headword they modify. In the second part of my thesis, I have analysed the speech of three speakers of different age groups, but the same dialectal belonging. First, I recorded their speech, and then I made an orthographic transcription of the recordings. While making the transcription, I abode by the basic rules and principles for orthographically transcribing speech. In my analysis, I focused on the tempo of speech. Furthermore, I analysed the effect of the tempo of speech on the frequency of stoppages of the speech flow. I analysed the use of comments in the speech of the three speakers, I also focused on the use of speech connectors, in most cases particles, and how these words influenced the speech of the three speakers.

Keywords:Slovene, middlesavinja dialect, Celje urban dialect, syntax, orthography, analysis speaker, transkription, connector, spontaneous speech, orthographic transcription, linear axis, paradigmatic axis, syntagmatic axis, flow of speech, comment

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