In master's thesis, we have presented the history of Open Access, the different business models and the uncertainties in naming and defining Open Access. We highlighted inappropriate practices in publishing and presented some key strategies. Our research was focused on monitoring the weekly increase of Covid-19 publications, both at the global level and at the level of Slovenian publica-tions. We presented the results according to different criteria, such as the type of access, the number of authors per publication, the types of documents, the classification categories of the journals in which the documents are located, keywords, etc. Scopus and Web of Science databases were com-pared to identify similarities and differences in data processing. Here some limitations were encoun-tered. Namely they use different names and definitions in terms of OA of publications, but errors are also present in other areas. We assume that the results are automatically recorded in the data-base, which proved to be unreliable. When analysing the results, we have observed trends such as mass authorship, more open access compared to other topics, shorter time from submission to publi-cation, etc. Our analysis represents an attempt to model the state of publications in the first two years of the Covid-19 epidemic. The progress in the implementation of scientific research work in Slovenia in accordance with the principles of open science is also reflected in the government's de-cision to issue a Regulation on the implementation of scientific research work in accordance with the principles of open science.