
Prisotnost inkluzivnih iger na študiju predšolske vzgoje : magistrsko delo
ID Cizl, Monika (Author), ID Lesar, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo predstavlja vlogo in značilnosti inkluzivnih iger v primerjavi z drugimi oblikami iger in analizira njihovo prisotnost znotraj študijskega programa Predšolska vzgoja na dodiplomski stopnji. Tematika se zdi aktualna, saj je udejanjanje inkluzije v današnjem času, ki ga določajo multikulturnost, neoliberalne vrednote in medikalizacija družbe, še toliko pomembneje. V vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah – tudi v vrtcih – se inkluzija najpogosteje udejanja le z vidika medicinskega diskurza in otrok s posebnimi potrebami, na vse ostale diskurze in na rob potisnjene družbene skupine otrok, pa se pogosto pozablja. Posveča se prilagoditvenim postopkom in posameznikom, pozablja pa na inkluzivni etos v vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah. Zagotavljanje inkluzije je kompleksno, saj se odvija na različnih ravneh: na nacionalni, institucionalni in v razredu oz. skupini. Da bi vzgojitelj lahko uspešno zagotavljal inkluzijo v skupini, je pomembno, da vsakodnevne pedagoške dejavnosti s pomočjo ustrezno pridobljenega znanja vedno znova reflektira. Ker je igra najpomembnejša dejavnost v predšolskem obdobju, se zastavlja vprašanje, kaj o inkluzivnih igrah izvedo bodoči vzgojitelji v času dodiplomskega izobraževanja. Ali se vsebine predmetnika dodiplomskega študijskega programa Predšolske vzgoje sploh dotikajo tega področja? Namen raziskovalnega dela je ugotoviti: (a) prisotnost inkluzivnih iger v učnih načrtih obveznih predmetov prvostopenjskega študijskega programa Predšolska vzgoja na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani, (b) poznavanje inkluzivnih iger študentov Predšolske vzgoje na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani, kje so ta znanja pridobili in kakšno je njihovo mnenje o vključevanju tovrstnih vsebin v študij Predšolske vzgoje na dodiplomski stopnji in (c) stališča nosilcev predmetov predhodno analiziranega študijskega programa o pomembnosti tovrstnih vsebin v študijskem procesu. Podatki so bili pridobljeni z vsebinsko analizo učnih načrtov in s pomočjo pol-strukturiranih intervjujev z nosilci predmetov in s študenti. Magistrsko delo omogoča vpogled v to, ali inkluzivne igre kot pomembno sredstvo za zagotavljanje inkluzije v vrtcu prepoznavajo profesorji in študenti na Pedagoški fakulteti in ali so inkluzivne igre pomemben sestavni del študijskega programa bodočih vzgojiteljev. Rezultati kažejo, da vsebine inkluzivnih iger niso del učnih načrtov na dodiplomskem študijskem programu Predšolske vzgoje, vendar pa se tako študentje kot nosilci predmetov zavedajo pomembnosti teh vsebin za delo bodočih vzgojiteljev. Vsebine inkluzije, ki predstavljajo osnovo za vpeljevanje inkluzivnih iger, so močno razdrobljene med posameznimi predmeti. Opazimo lahko tudi, da se veča ozaveščenost o inkluziji za vse in ne samo posamezne marginalizirane skupine, ob tem pa se naslavlja tudi problematika pomanjkanja praktičnih iztočnic in izkušenj za delo s skupinami raznolikih otrok. Pomanjkanje teh kaže na težave pri vpeljevanju inkluzije v prakso.

Keywords:inkluzivne igre, dodiplomski študij, predšolska vzgoja, učni načrt
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Cizl
Number of pages:VI, 67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147850 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-147850 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158943235 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Inclusive Games in the Preschool Study Programme
This master's thesis illustrates the characteristics of inclusive play and compare them to other forms of play, as well as analyses their role and presence in the study program Preschool Education on an undergraduate level. The theme strucks as relevant seeing as the implementation of inclusivity is of importance in this day and age which is ruled by multiculturalism, neoliberal values and medicalization of society. Within educational institutions the discourse of inclusivity often stays limited to medical discourse and children with special needs, while children belonging to marginalised groups stay excluded. It focuses on the adapting process of individuals, but leaves out the inclusive ethos in educational institutions. Granting inclusivity is a complex matter, as it takes place on several levels: national, institutional and in the classroom. For educators to be able to grant inclusivity in the classroom, it is important for everyday pedagogical activities to reflect that with the help of appropriate knowledge. Playing games is the most important activity in the preschooling period, causing questions to arise, about how much knowledge future educators acquire during their undergraduate studies. Do the curriculums include this topic? The purpose of this thesis is to determine: a) the presence of inclusive play in the mandatory curriculum of the bachelor's program Preschool education at the Faculty of education of the University of Ljubljana, b) if the students of the bachelor's program Preschool education at the Faculty of education of the University of Ljubljana know about inclusive play, where they learned about it and what is their opinion on including these themes in the curriculum of their degree and c) the standpoint of professors of subjects in the curriculum of the aforementioned degree on the importance of these themes in the education process of future educators. The information will be collected via content analysis of the curriculum and half structured interviews of the faculty members and students alike. The master’s thesis will allow insight into whether the professors and students of the Faculty of education view inclusive play as an important tool to achieve inclusivity in preschool as well as a crucial part of the curriculum of future educators. The results show that the topic of inclusive games is not a part of the curriculum of undergraduate study program od Preschool Education, but both students and faculty members are aware of importance of inclusive games for the work of future educators. The topic of inclusivity, which represents the basis for the introduction of inclusive games, is strongly fragmented between individual subjects. We can also see that there is a growing awareness of the idea inclusivity is meant for everyone and not just individual marginalized groups. At the same time, the lack of practical guidelines and existing experience with working with groups of diverse children is also being addressed. The lack od these exhibits difficulties in implementing inclusivity in practice.

Keywords:inclusive play, bachelor's degree, preschool education, curriculum

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