
Vpliv državne razglasitve leta pisatelja na založniško dejavnost: primer Jurčičevega leta
ID Brkopec, Ajda (Author), ID Blatnik, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega seminarja je raziskati možne vplive, ki jih dejanje državne razglasitve pisateljevega leta lahko ima na dejavnosti v slovenskem knjižnem založništvu. Raziskavo smo osnovali na demonstrativnem primeru leta Josipa Jurčiča, ki mu je Slovenija ob 140. obletnici smrti posvetila leto 2021. Izhajajoč iz konceptov empirične literarne vede, smo najprej opredelili položaj pisatelja v literarnem sistemu in ga podprli s pregledom evolucije vloge slovenskega literarnega proizvajalca. Teoretski sklop zaokrožata na študijah Bhaskarja in Thompsona oprto definiranje založništva ter oris slovenskega založniškega polja in knjižnega trga. Raziskovalni del prinaša pregled raznovrstne dejavnosti, s katero se je obeleževalo Jurčičevo leto, v nadaljevanju pa se raziskovalni fokus zoži le na novo knjižno produkcijo. Analizirali smo strukturo založniške dejavnosti ob Jurčičevem letu, ki je ponudila devet novih izvirnih knjig in pet novih prevodov Jurčičeve humoreske. Izdaje več knjižnih novosti so bile netržno naravnane, saj so se praznovanja pisateljevega leta številčnejše udeležili t. i. neformalni založniki. Z metodo preverjanja doseganja založniških standardov smo iz nove knjižne produkcije izluščili štiri knjige formalnih založnikov in v nadaljevanju raziskovali idejo o potencialu pisateljevega leta za krepitev založnikovega ekonomskega kapitala. Ugotovili smo, da so bili tudi pri izdajah formalnih založnikov nefinančni oziri vselej bolj ali manj navzoči, saj je praznovanje spominskih let očitno zaznamovano s kulturno-simbolnimi razsežnostmi. Vseeno se zdi sodelovanje založb v literarnem letu plodna odločitev, saj je kontekst praznovanja pisateljevega leta knjigam omogočil dodatno in močnejše ojačevanje ter posledično večjo prepoznavnost, medtem ko zagotovila za prodajno uspešnost knjižnih novosti sočasno praznovanje pisateljevega leta še ne prinaša.

Keywords:pisateljevo leto, obletnice, literarni sistem, knjižno založništvo, ojačevanje, ekonomski kapital, Josip Jurčič, Slovenija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147847 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:162281475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the national proclamation of the year of the writer on publishing activity: the case of the year of Josip Jurčič
The purpose of my Bachelor’s thesis is to investigate how the declaration of the commemorative year of the writer by the state can affect activities in Slovenian book publishing. The research is based on a demonstrative example of the year of Josip Jurčič, whose 140th death anniversary was celebrated by the Slovenian nation dedicating the year 2021 to him. Using the theory of empirical science of literature, the thesis first defines the position of the writer in the literary system and then summarizes the development of the role of the Slovenian literary producer. The theoretical section is concluded with a definition of publishing, grounded in the studies of Bhaskar and Thompson, and an outline of the Slovenian publishing and book market. The research part provides an overview of the varied activities that marked the year of Josip Jurčič, while in the following parts of the thesis, the research focus is narrowed only to the new book production. The structure of the publishing activity in the year of Jurčič was analysed and there were nine new original books and five new translations of Jurčič's satirical humorous tale published on this occasion. The publication of several book novelties was non-trade oriented, as the celebration of the year of the writer was more widely attended by informal publishers. By verifying the achievement of publishing standards, four books were selected, that have been released by formal publishers, and the idea of writer’s year having the potential to enlarge the publisher's economic capital was further researched. It has been found that the nonfinancial considerations have always been more or less present even in the publications of formal publishers, as the celebration of commemorative years is clearly associated with cultural and symbolic dimensions. Nevertheless, to participate in the literary year seems to be a fruitful decision for publishing houses, since the book novelties receive stronger and extra amplification with the context of the year of the writer and, consequently, can be more recognizable, while the celebration of the writer’s year is still not a guarantee for the sales success of books related to the commemorative year.

Keywords:year of the writer, anniversaries, literary system, book publishing, amplifying, economic capital, Josip Jurčič, Slovenia

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