
Razumevanje in značilnosti prijateljstva v osnovni šoli pri učencih z različnimi sociometričnimi položaji : magistrsko delo
ID Kolar, Ana (Author), ID Prosen, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odnosi med vrstniki, še posebej prijateljstvo, so izrednega pomena za posameznikov razvoj na različnih področjih. Prijateljstvo ima v različnih razvojnih obdobjih različne značilnosti. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na značilnosti prijateljstva v osnovni šoli. Zanimalo nas je, kako različno stari osnovnošolci z različnimi sociometričnimi položaji dojemajo prijateljstvo in katero razvojno stopnjo razumevanja prijateljstva po Selmanovi teoriji razvoja socialne kognicije dosegajo ter katere so značilnosti njihovih prijateljstev. Raziskali smo tudi, kakšno mnenje imajo učitelji o pomenu in vplivu prijateljstva na svoje učence, kako vidijo svojo vlogo in kompetentnost pri vzpostavljanju in krepitvi prijateljstev med svojimi učenci ter jih povprašali o primerih dobre prakse na tem področju. Empirična raziskava temelji na deskriptivni metodi pedagoškega raziskovanja, uporabljen je kvalitativen raziskovalni pristop. V raziskavo magistrskega dela je vključen po en razred učencev z začetka vsake triade (to so prvi, četrti in sedmi razred) slovenske osnovne šole in njihovi razredniki. Podatke za raziskavo smo pridobili z izvajanjem sociometrične preizkušnje med učenci ter z individualnimi polstrukturiranimi intervjuji z učenci različnih sociometričnih položajev (priljubljen, povprečen, kontroverzen, zavrnjen in prezrt oz. izoliran sociometrični položaj) in njihovimi razredniki. Dobljene rezultate sociometrične preizkušnje smo predstavili s sociometrikami, sociogrami in prikazi sociometričnih položajev. Intervjuje z učitelji in učenci smo kodirali, jih analizirali in povezali z obstoječo literaturo. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so definicije prijateljstva učencev prve triade krajše, uporabljeni opisi so preprostejši, s starostjo pa definicije postajajo daljše, opisi pa vse bolj zapleteni. Pri priljubljenih učencih se večkrat pojavi, da presegajo razvojno stopnjo socialne kognicije, ki je po teoriji Selmana predvidena za njihovo starost, medtem ko se pri nepriljubljenih učencih večkrat pojavi, da te stopnje razvoja ne dosegajo. Nekatere značilnosti učenčevih prijateljstev, ki se nanašajo na področja zadovoljstva, tovarištva, pomoči, intimnosti, samopotrditve ter konflikta in izdaje, so povezane z njihovo starostjo in/ali sociometričnim položajem, nekatere pa ne. Učitelji menijo, da prijateljstvo vpliva na učenčev kognitivni, čustveni, socialni, moralni, govorni in gibalni razvoj, njegov vpliv na posamezno področje razvoja pa je odvisen od učenčevega sociometričnega položaja. Prav tako učitelji menijo, da ima prijateljstvo manjši pomen pri priljubljenih učencih, večjega pa pri prezrtih oz. izoliranih in zavrnjenih učencih. Učitelji svojo vlogo pri vzpostavljanju in krepitvi prijateljstva med učenci vidijo v pogovorih z učenci, izvajanju skupnih dejavnosti in enaki obravnavi vseh učencev. Z izjemo kontroverznih in zavrnjenih učencev se čutijo dokaj kompetentne na tem področju, kompetence pa so pridobili pri šolski svetovalni službi, na izobraževanjih, v literaturi in z lastnimi izkušnjami. Učencem s priljubljenim in povprečnim sociometričnim položajem posvečajo manj pozornosti kot učencem s kontroverznim, zavrnjenim in prezrtim oz. izoliranim sociometričnim položajem. Primeri dobre prakse za izboljšanje odnosov in vzpostavljanje ter krepitev prijateljstva v razredu so uporaba slikanic, izvajanje delavnic, pogovorov in spoznavno-socialnih iger. Pomembno je tudi poznavanje literature o odnosih in prijateljstvu tako za učitelje kot za učence, uporaba metod za razvoj učenčevih socialnih in čustvenih kompetenc ter izvajanje sociometrične preizkušnje kot preventivne ali kurativne dejavnosti. Izsledki raziskave magistrskega dela so koristni za ravnatelje, svetovalne delavce in učitelje, saj nudijo vpogled v dojemanje in značilnosti prijateljstva pri različno starih učencih z različnimi sociometričnimi položaji. Med rezultati raziskave so navedeni tudi primeri dobre prakse za krepitev prijateljskih odnosov, ki jih bodo lahko učitelji preizkusili v svojem razredu.

Keywords:prijateljstvo, sociometrična preizkušnja, sociometrični položaj, socialna kognicija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Kolar
Number of pages:112 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147829 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-147829 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158969603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Understanding and Characteristics of Friendship in Primary School Students with Different Sociometric Statuses
Relationships between peers, friendship particularly, are extremely important for development of an individual. Friendship in various stages of life has disparate characteristics. In this master’s degree thesis, we focused on the characteristics of friendship in primary school. We wanted to know how friendship is considered according to age of pupils, different sociometric positions, which developmental stage of understanding of friendship according to Selman’s theory of development of social cognition is achieved and what are their friends’ characteristics. We also studied teachers’ point of view about meaning and influence of friendship on their pupils, how teachers see their role and competence at establishing and strengthening friendships among their students. We asked teachers about examples in their practice about this topic. The empirical research is based on the descriptive method and we used qualitative research approach. Students and teachers included in the research of the master's degree thesis come from the first, fourth and seventh grade of a Slovenian elementary school. Data for the research were gathered by conducting sociometric tests among students and by individual semi-structured interviews with students of different sociometric positions (popular, average, controversial, rejected and ignored or isolated sociometric position) and their class teachers. The results of the sociometric test are presented with sociometrics, sociograms and displays of sociometric positions. Interviews with teachers and students are coded, analyzed and linked to present literature. Gained results show that the definition and description of friendship is shorter in the first triad, as students get older, definitions get longer and descriptions get more complex. With popular students we tend to see that they exceed the developmental stage of social cognition expected for their age by Selman, whereas that is the opposite with unpopular students. Some characteristics of students' friendships such as satisfaction, companionship, helping each other, intimacy, self-affirmation, conflict and betrayal are related to their age and/or sociometric status, some are not. Teachers think that friendship influences pupils cognitive, emotional, social, moral, speech and body-movement development. The impact on different areas depends on student’s sociometric position. Teachers think that friendship has lesser significance at popular students and greater importance for ignored, isolated or rejected pupils, and see their role in making and maintaining friendship by talking to students, implementing joined activities and by equal attention to all pupils. With the exception of controversial and rejected students, teachers feel competent in this area of expertise. They gained the knowledge at the school counseling, courses, in literature and through their own experiences. Teachers give students with a popular and average sociometric position less attention than to students with a controversial, rejected and ignored or isolated sociometric positions. Examples of good practice in this area are the use of picture books, workshops, conversations and social games. Awareness of the literature on relationships and friendship is also very important, so is the use of different methods for the development of students' social and emotional competences and the implementation of sociometric testing as a preventive or curative activity. The results of the research are useful to principals, counselors and teachers, because they provide insight into the perception and characteristics of friendship among students of different ages and different sociometric positions. The results of the research include examples of good practice for strengthening friendship which teachers can implement in their classrooms.

Keywords:friendship, sociometric test, sociometric position, social cognition

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