
Talibani v Afganistanu
ID Facija, Maja (Author), ID Zupančič, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo analizira pojav talibanov, sunitsko islamsko fundamentalističnega gibanja v Afganistanu, predstavi njihov razvoj, politični vpliv, družbeno delovanje in vojaško organizacijo. V jeziku paštu beseda talib označuje študente verskih šol. Talibani, ki so po etnični pripadnosti večinoma Paštuni, so učenci verskih šol v Pakistanu in zagovarjajo doktrino deoband. Glede na to so njihove življenjske vrednote tesno povezane s paštunskimi plemenskimi tradicijami. Pomemben del njihovega življenja predstavlja tudi paštunvali, nenapisan pravni kodeks, ki izhaja iz islamskega verskega izročila in paštunske tradicije ter je značilen za Paštune. Gre za skupek pravil, norm, zakonov, vrednot, ki je zelo pomemben tako za Paštune kot talibane. Njihovo pojmovanje islama in paštunvalija pomembno definira njihovo življenje. Talibani so v Afganistanu prevzeli oblast leta 1994 in na njej ostali do leta 2001, ko so jih v združeni intervenciji porazili vojaške sile ZDA in njihovi zavezniki. Poskusi demokratizacije in modernizacije afganistanske družbe v okviru dvajset let trajajoče misije ISAF, v katerih so bile daleč najbolj prisotne ameriške sile, niso dali trajnejših rezultatov. Leta 2021 se je ameriška vojska umaknila iz države. Talibani so v kratkem ponovno prevzeli oblast. V delu so podrobneje prikazani družbeni, politični in regionalni učinki prvega in drugega talibanskega vladanja ter ocenjene možne smeri prihodnjega razvoja.

Keywords:Afganistan, krizna območja, talibani, islam, paštunvali
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147686 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Taliban in Afghanistan
The thesis analyzes the emergence of the Taliban which is a fundamentalist movement of Sunni Muslims in Afghanistan. We are interested in their development, political influence, military organization, and social functioning. In the Pashto language, the word talib refers to religious school students. The Taliban, who are mostly Pashtuns by ethnicity, are students at religious schools in Pakistan. The Taliban uphold the Deoband doctrine. Moreover, their life values are mainly in line with Pashtun tribal traditions. An important part of their life is also Pashtunwali. It is an unwritten legal code that derives from Islamic religious tradition and Pashtun tradition and is unique to Pashtuns. It is a set of rules, norms, laws, and values that are of great significance to the Pashtuns and in this case also the Taliban. Their conception of Islam and the Pashtunwali significantly define their lives. The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in 1994 and ruled until 2001 when they were defeated in a joint intervention by US military forces and their allies. Attempts at democratization and modernizing Afghan society within the framework of the twenty-year-long ISAF mission, in which American forces were by far the most present, did not produce lasting results. In 2021, the US military withdrew from the country. The Taliban soon regained power. The thesis shows in more detail the social, political, and regional effects of the first and second Taliban rule and assesses the possible directions of future development.

Keywords:Afghanistan, crisis areas, Taliban, Islam, Pashtunwali

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