
Optimizacija distančnika in encim-vezočega fragmenta v novih zaviralcih bakterijskih topoizomeraz
ID Blatnik, Anja (Author), ID Hrast Rambaher, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Anderluh, Marko (Comentor)

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Prekomerna in neustrezna uporaba protibakterijskih učinkovin pospešuje širjenje bakterijske odpornosti, posledično so številna protibakterijska zdravila neučinkovita. Odkritih je že precej novih zaviralcev bakterijskih topoizomeraz (NBTI) z odlično protibakterijsko učinkovitostjo, a ne preveč optimalnim varnostnim profilom spojin. Glavna slabost do sedaj poznanih NBTI je namreč zaviranje kalijevih kanalčkov hERG (angl. human ether-a-go-go-related gene) in posledična kardiotoksičnost, zaradi česar trenutno na trgu še ni učinkovine iz tega razreda. Pri načrtovanju in sintezi NBTI smo se osredotočili na optimizacijo distančnika in desnega dela (RHS) molekule, pri čemer smo ohranili njen že dobro raziskan levi del (LHS). Končne spojine smo analizirali s spektroskopijo NMR, HRMS in IR ter jim določili temperaturo tališča, na koncu pa smo jih še biološko ovrednotili z določanjem srednje inhibitorne koncentracije (IC50), minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije (MIK) ter jakosti blokade kanalčkov hERG. Najprej smo se lotili optimizacije RHS. Želeli smo ugotoviti vpliv vrste aromatskega obroča ter pripetih substituentov na samo delovanje. Prišli smo do zaključka, da halogenske interakcije z aktivnim mestom encima niso zelo lahko nadomestljive, saj je najmočnejši zaviralni učinek med vsemi sintetiziranimi končnimi spojinami dosegla spojina s halogeni na fenilnem obroču. Bioizosterna zamenjava halogenov z metilno skupino oz. dodatnim fenilnim obročem vodi do sicer nižjega, a še vedno močnega zaviralnega učinka in protibakterijskega delovanja na Gram-pozitivne seve bakterij. Vpliv van der Waalsovih vezi torej nikakor ni zanemarljiv. Dokazali smo tudi, da je za pravilno delovanje potrebna ustrezna usmerjenost molekule ter da tiofen ni najprimernejši aromatski desni del molekule. Z namenom izboljšanja varnosti smo v drugem delu magistrske naloge sintetizirali serijo analogov NBTI z zamenjavo piperidinskega distančnika s cikloheksanom oz. tetrahidropiranom, saj smo se želeli znebiti terciarnega amina, zaradi katerega NBTI delujejo kot močni zaviralci kanalčkov hERG. Te strukturne spremembe so nas pripeljale do odličnega inhibitornega in protibakterijskega delovanja ter hkrati zmanjšale zaviralno delovanje na kanalčke hERG. Odkrili smo tudi novo prodorno spojino z daleč najboljšim razmerjem med močnim protibakterijskim delovanjem ter izboljšanim varnostnim profilom v seriji preiskovanih spojin, ki vsebuje amidno vez namesto metilenamina in kaže velik potencial v boju proti bakterijski odpornosti proti Gram-pozitivnim bakterijam.

Keywords:novi zaviralci bakterijskih topoizomeraz (NBTI), topoizomeraze, desni del molekule (RHS), distančnik, kalijevi kanalčki hERG
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147618 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2023
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Title:Spacer and enzyme-binding fragment optimization in new inhibitors of bacterial topoisomerases
Many antibacterial drugs are ineffective because of excessive and inappropriate use of antibacterial agents, which leads to bacterial resistance. A number of new bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors from the new promising classes – NBTIs (novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors) have already been discovered. However, the compounds discovered so far have excellent antibacterial efficacy, but a suboptimal safety profile. Their main weakness is the inhibition of hERG (the human ether-a-go-go-related gene) potassium channels, resulting in cardiotoxicity. Consequently, there are no active substances from this class on the market so far. While designing the NBTI syntheses, we focused on the optimization of the spacer and the right-hand part (RHS) while maintaining the well-known left-hand part (LHS) of the molecule. The final compounds were analysed by NMR, HRMS, and IR spectroscopy. Additionally, we determined their melting point temperature. Furthermore, we performed biological testing and determined the compounds' half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50), minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), and hERG block potency. Firstly, we started with RHS optimization. The goal was to research how the type of aromatic ring and attached substituents affect the antibacterial activity. Since the most potent inhibitory effect among all synthesized final compounds was achieved by the compound with phenyl-halogenated RHS, we concluded that halogen interactions are not easily replaceable. Bioisosteric replacement of halogens with a methyl group or with an additional phenyl ring leads to weaker but still very strong inhibitory effect and antibacterial activity on Gram-positive bacteria. Therefore, the influence of van der Waals bonds is by no means negligible. We also concluded that the proper orientation of the molecule is a necessity for appropriate functioning. Moreover, we discovered that thiophene is not the most suitable right-hand side of the molecule. Secondly, we synthesized a series of NBTI analogues with cyclohexane or tetrahydropyran instead of a piperidine spacer. To improve safety, we wanted to remove the tertiary amine, which is known to have a fairly high impact on hERG. These structural changes led us to excellent inhibitory and antibacterial activity and at the same time, they reduced the inhibitory activity on hERG channels. Additionally, we have discovered a new breakthrough compound with, by far, the best ratio between strong antibacterial activity and an improved safety profile in this series of compounds, which contains an amide bond instead of methylene amine and shows great potential in the fight against bacterial resistance against Gram-positive bacteria.

Keywords:novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors (NBTIs), topoisomerases, right-hand side (RHS), linker, hERG potassium channels

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