
Uporaba preproste optoelektronske naprave za prikaz elektrokromizma v šoli
ID Žagar, Leon (Author), ID Lukšič, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Elektrokromni materiali reverzibilno spreminjajo svojo barvo pod vplivom električne napetosti/toka. Taki materiali so zanimivi za uporabo v raznih optičnih pametnih napravah. Elektrokromni efekt dobimo tudi z raztopinami pH indikatorjev, ki se jim barva spremeni zaradi spremembe pH. Celico, kjer se pH raztopine ob elektrodi spremeni zaradi elektrolize vode, kar posledično vodi da spremembe barve pH indikatorja, lahko uvrstimo med elektrokromne celice. V magistrskem delu sem sestavil dve tovrstni elektrokromni celici: eno v konfiguraciji s paralelnima elektrodama, drugo v konfiguraciji inverznega sendviča. Preizkusil sem različne elektrodne materiale (kovine, grafit) in elektrolite (kalijev nitrat, natrijev acetat). Za barvni odziv sem uporabil pH indikatorje bromtimol modro, fenol rdeče in izvleček kurkume. Kot nosilec elektrolita/barvila sem uporabil papirnato brisačo. Testiral in primerjal sem časovni odziv celic. Delovanje celic sem kvantitativno ovrednotil s pomočjo kronoamperometrije. Za celice z optimalnim delovanjem sem pripravil gradivo za demonstracijo elektrokromizma v srednjih šolah.

Keywords:elektrokromizem, elektrolitska celica, pH indikatorji, elektroliza, kronoamperometrija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147562 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:162305283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Using a simple optoelectronic device to demonstrate electrochromism in school
Electrochromic materials reversibly change colour under the influence of an electric voltage/current. Such materials are of interest for use in various optical smart devices. The electrochromic effect is also obtained with pH indicator solutions which change colour due to a change in pH. A cell where the pH of the solution at the electrode changes due to electrolysis of the water, resulting in a change in the colour of the pH indicator, can be classified as an electrochromic cell. In my Master's thesis I have built two such electrochromic cells: one in a parallel electrode configuration, the other in an inverted sandwich configuration. I tested different electrode materials (metals, graphite) and electrolytes (potassium nitrate, sodium acetate). For the colour response I used the pH indicators bromothymol blue, phenol red and turmeric extract. I used a paper towel as a carrier for the electrolyte/dye. The time response of the cells was tested and compared. I quantified cell performance by chronoamperometry. For the cells with optimal performance I prepared material for the demonstration of electrochromism in secondary schools.

Keywords:electrochromism, electrolytic cell, pH indicators, electrolysis, chronoamperometry

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