
Izkušnje radioloških inženirjev s trpinčenimi otroki v praksi : diplomsko delo
ID Pistotnik, Špela (Author), ID Žveglič, Anja (Author), ID Starc, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Alukić, Erna (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Trpinčenje otroka je vsako ravnanje, ki je namerno povzročeno osebi, mlajši od 18 let, s strani starša ali skrbnika in vpliva na otrokovo zdravje, preživetje, razvoj in dostojanstvo. Ločimo psihično in spolno zlorabo, zanemarjanje ter malomarno ravnanje, izkoriščanje otroka ter fizično zlorabo. Slednja je opredeljena kot dejanje skrbnika, ki povzroči dejansko fizično poškodbo ali ima možnost povzročitve poškodbe. Najpogosteje gre za poškodbo kože, mehkega tkiva in zloma okostja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil s pomočjo spletne ankete ugotoviti, kakšna je seznanjenost radioloških inženirjev in študentov s fizično zlorabo otrok, torej njihove izkušnje v praksi. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali obstaja potreba po dodatnem izobraževanju radioloških inženirjev in študentov radiološke tehnologije na to tematiko. Metode dela: Pilotna študija z anketo, ki je bila izvedena s spletnim programom 1ka. Vzorec so sestavljali radiološki inženirji in študenti tretjega letnika programa Oddelka za radiološko tehnologijo na Zdravstveni fakulteti, Univerza v Ljubljani. Rezultati: Na podlagi odgovorov sodelujočih razberemo, da vsi anketiranci poznajo znake trpinčenja v teoriji. Ukrepe in prepoznavo v praksi pa zazna 17 % anketirancev. Pri sumu zlorabe je/bi večina udeležencev ankete obvestila/obvestilo nadrejenega ali sodelavca; nihče ni označil odgovora, da ne bi storil ničesar. Razprava in zaključek: Poznavanje teoretičnega in praktičnega znanja o trpinčenju otroka je pomembno za čim prejšnje odkrivanje žrtev in pravočasno pomoč žrtvi. Pomembno je, da v primeru, ko posumimo na fizično zlorabi, odreagiramo hitro in v skladu s smernicami, saj zgodnje odkritje zlorabe spremeni življenje otroka. Pri praktičnem delu s pacienti v kliničnem okolju je ena šestina anketirancev opazila znake, pri katerih so zaposleni posumili na možnost fizičnega trpinčenja. Na podlagi izvedene pilotne ankete smo ugotovili, da so radiološki inženirji in študenti zainteresirani za dodatno izobraževanje na temo fizične zlorabe otroka. Menimo, da bi se prepoznavanje zlorabe otrok povečalo z ozaveščanjem ljudi o znakih in ukrepih pri zaznavanju le-teh.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, fizična zloraba otroka, sindrom stresenega dojenčka, zanemarjanje otroka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Pistotnik : A. Žveglič]
Number of pages:33 str., [34] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147512 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158107907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Radiographers´ experiences of maltreated children in practice : diploma work
Introduction: Maltreatment of a child is any conduct intentionally inflicted on a person under the age of 18 by a parent or a guardian and affects the child's health, survival, development, and dignity. We separate psychological and physical and sexual abuse, neglect and negligent conduct, and exploitation of the child. The latter is defined as an act by a carer that causes actual or threatened physical harm. The most common injuries are to the skin, soft tissue and skeletal fractures. Purpose: Our thesis was intended to determine through an online survey what was the knowledge of radiographers and students with physical abuse of children, i.e. their experience in practice. We were also interested in whether there is a need for further training of radiological engineers and radiological technology students on this topic. Working methods: Pilot study with a survey carried out by online program 1ka.The sample consisted of radiographers and students in the third year of the program of the Department of Radiological Technology at the Faculty of Health, University of Ljubljana. Results: From the responses of the participants, we can see that all respondents know signs of maltreatment in theory. In practice, 17 % of respondents detect measures and identification. Discussion and conclusion: Knowledge of theoretical and practical knowledge of child abuse is important for the early identification of the victims and for the timely assistance of the child. It is important to react quickly and in line with the guidelines when we suspect physical abuse, as early detection of abuse can change a child's life. When working with patients in a clinical setting, one-sixth of the respondents had observed signs where staff suspected the possibility of physical ill-treatment. Based on the pilot survey, we found that radiographers and students are interested in further training on child physical abuse. We believe that the recognition of child abuse would be increased by raising people's awareness of the signs and actions to take when they are detected.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, physical child abuse, shaken baby syndrome, child neglect

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