
Pravica do zdravljenja v času epidemije
ID Polšak, Tina (Author), ID Mišič, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava pravico do zdravljenja v času epidemije covid-19. Osredotoča se na pravico do zdravljenja kot del širše mednarodno priznane pravice do zdravja, katero Ustava Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije opredeljuje kot temeljno človekovo pravico. Ustava Republike Slovenije pravice do zdravja neposredno ne ureja, temveč je zdravje v slovenskem pravnem redu zavarovano z ustavno pravico do zdravstvenega varstva. Epidemija covid-19 je v razmerju do navedene ustavne človekove pravice ustvarila številne zahtevne izzive. V začetku naloge predstavim položaj pravice do zdravja v mednarodnem pravu in opišem slovensko ustavno ter zakonodajno ureditev obravnavane pravice. V osrednjem delu naloge se osredotočam na uresničevanje pravice do zdravljenja v času epidemije znotraj mreže izvajalcev javne zdravstvene službe. Hkrati na podlagi razpoložljivih empiričnih podatkov prikažem, kako so sprejeti državni ukrepi v zdravstvu vplivali na izvajanje posameznih zdravstvenih storitev in na novo odkrite bolezni, pri čemer primerjam podatke iz obdobja epidemije covid-19 s podatki pred epidemijo. Ukvarjam se tudi z vprašanjem sorazmernosti sprejetih ukrepov in posledično z njihovo ustavno (ne)dopustnostjo. Pri tem se osredotočam zlasti na sporen ukrep začasnega suspenza nenujnih zdravstvenih storitev iz marca 2020. V zadnjem delu naloge na kratko predstavim etične dileme, s katerimi so se morali soočiti zdravstveni delavci zaradi preobremenjenosti zdravstvenega sistema. Gre predvsem za vprašanje, kako ob pomanjkanju zdravstvenega kadra in opreme čim bolj pravično zagotoviti ustrezno zdravstveno oskrbo za vse paciente. Nadalje se opredelim do problema kasneje nastalih čakalnih dob in pomena državnega sofinanciranja ter do morebitne odškodninske odgovornosti države zaradi opustitve dolžnega ravnanja v zvezi z varovanjem zdravja in življenja ljudi ter s skrbjo za delovanje obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja.

Keywords:pravica do zdravja, pravica do zdravstvenega varstva, epidemija covid-19, omejitev človekovih pravic, test sorazmernosti, pacientove pravice, obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje, triaža, dolge čakalne dobe, odgovornost države
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147422 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:160912131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The right to health care during the epidemic
This master's thesis deals with the right to medical treatment during the covid-19 epidemic. It focuses on the right to medical treatment as part of the broader internationally recognized right to health, which the Constitution of the World Health Organization defines as a fundamental human right. The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia does not directly regulate the right to health. The right to health is however protected in the Slovenian legal system by the constitutional right to health care. The covid-19 epidemic has created a number of demanding challenges in relation to the aforementioned constitutional human right. At the beginning of the assignment, I present the position of the right to health in international law and describe the Slovenian constitutional and legislative regulation of the right in question. In the central part of the assignment, I focus on the realization of the right to treatment during an epidemic within the network of public health service providers. At the same time, on the basis of available empirical data, I show how the adopted state measures in health care affected the implementation of individual health services and newly discovered diseases, comparing data from the period of the covid-19 epidemic with data from before the epidemic. I also deal with the question of the proportionality of the adopted measures and, consequently, with their constitutional (in)admissibility. In doing so, I focus in particular on the controversial measure of the temporary suspension of non-emergency health services from March 2020. In the last part of the assignment, I briefly present the ethical dilemmas that health workers had to face due to the overload of the health system. It is primarily a question of how to ensure adequate medical care for all patients as fairly as possible in the absence of medical staff and equipment. I will further comment on the problem of prolonged waiting times and the importance of state co-financing, as well as on the state's potential liability for damages due to the omission of the duty to protect people's health and life and to ensure the operation of compulsory health insurance.

Keywords:the right to health, the right to health care, the covid-19 epidemic, limitations on human rights, proportionality test, patients' rights, compulsory health insurance, triage, long waiting times, state responsibility

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