
Novičarski medijski repertoarji in prakse informiranja med mladostniki : magistrsko delo
ID Kužner, Tajda (Author), ID Oblak Črnič, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklepni nalogi raziskujemo percepcije novic in aktualne prakse informiranja med mladostniki, ki živijo v visoko medijatiziranem svetu, in proučujemo navzkrižna razmerja med njihovimi percepcijami novic, medijskimi izbirami in tehnolosškimi preferencami. Za to smo uporabili koncept medijskih repertoarjev, ki omogoča poglobljeno konceptualiziranje in empirično preverjanje medijskih praks v vsakdanjem življenju ter na presečiščih družinskega in edukacijskega oz. vrstniškega konteksta. S pomočjo poglobljenega pregleda sorodnih študij in samostojne kvalitativne raziskave na manjši skupini gimnazijcev ugotavljamo, da je trenutna novičarska medijska potrošnja mladostnikov strukturirana v tri ločene novičarske repertoarje, ki kažejo na pozitivno povezavo med informacijskimi medijskimi preferencami mladostnikov, percepcijo novic in specifičnimi praksami informiranja. T. i. “informirani tradicionalisti” denimo novice od drugih vsebin ločujejo na podlagi tehnologije in pogosteje od ostalih sogovornikov do novic dostopajo namensko ter prek bolj tradicionalnih medijev. “Priložnostni verodostojneži” se primarno informirajo na družbenih omrežjih, a prek verodostojnih virov, kar je tudi ključ po katerem definirajo, kaj so to novice. “Naključno informirani platformneži” smo poimenovali tiste dijake, ki se z novicami srečujejo izključno naključno, med tem ko uporabljajo različne družbene platforme, in jih posledično opredeljujejo v povezavi z vsebino. Študija potrjuje, da je pri raziskovanju percepcije novic in praks informiranja kot izhodiščno točko raziskovanja treba upoštevati tako vsakdanje življenje medijskega občinstva kot njihove ključne družbene mreže.

Keywords:medijski repertoarji, mladi, digitalni mediji, medijatizacija, informiranje, novice, fokusne skupine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Kužner
Number of pages:110 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147417 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158573827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:News media repertoires and information practices among youth
This thesis investigates the perceptions of news and current information practices among young people living in a highly mediatized world, and examines cross-media relationships among their perceptions of news, media choices, and technological preferences. For this, we used the concept of media repertoires, which enables in-depth conceptualization and empirical verification of media practices in both everyday life and at the intersections of family and educational or peer context. With the help of an in-depth review of related studies, and independent qualitative research on a small group of high school students, we found that the current news media consumption of young people is structured into three separate news repertoires, which indicate a positive correlation between news media preferences, perception of news, and specific information practices. The so-called “informed traditionalists”, for example, separate news from other content on the basis of technology and more often access news on purpose, and using traditional media. “Occasional credibles” are primarily informed on social networks, but also use credible news sources, which are also their definition of news. “The randomly informed platformers” come across news accidentally while using various social platforms, and consequently define news in connection with content. The study confirms that when researching the perception of news and information practices, it is necessary to take into account both the everyday life of the media audience and their key social networks as a starting point of the research.

Keywords:media repertoires, youth, digital media, mediatization, information, news, focus groups

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