
Povezanost vzgojnih stilov s tveganim vedenjem, socioseksualno usmerjenostjo in vrednotami pri mladih odraslih : magistrsko delo
ID Gorše, Hana (Author), ID Cvetek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali povezanost vzgojnih stilov v otroštvu in tvegano vedenje, socioseksualno usmerjenost ter vrednote v dobi mlade odraslosti. Tvegano vedenje smo nadalje razdelili na tvegano vedenje na splošno in tvegano spolno vedenje. V teoretičnem delu smo tako predstavili teoretična izhodišča in ugotovitve predhodnih raziskav omenjenih dimenzij. Sledil je empirični del, kjer smo predstavili kvantitativno raziskavo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 164 udeležencev, starih med 20 in 30 let, od tega je bilo 123 (75 %) žensk in 41 (25 %) moških. Raziskava se je izvajala preko spletnega portala 1ka Arnes. Za namene raziskave smo uporabili kombinacijo petih vprašalnikov v naslednjem vrstnem redu: Lestvica scenarijev starševstva (PSS), Lestvica impulzivnega vedenja (SUPPS-P), Lestvica o tveganem spolnem vedenju (SRBS), Vprašalnik o socioseksualni usmerjenosti (SOI-R) in Muskova lestvica vrednot (MLV). Statistična analiza je bila opravljena s programom IBM SPSS Statistics. Rezultati so pokazali, da so nekatere dimenzije tveganega vedenja statistično pomembno pozitivno povezane z zanemarjajočim in avtoritarnim vzgojnim stilom. Prav tako se ena od dimenzij socioseksualne usmerjenosti pozitivno povezuje z zanemarjajočim vzgojnim stilom v otroštvu. Dobili smo statistično pomembno negativno povezavo med avtoritativnim stilom in pomanjkanjem vztrajnosti. Povezav med avtoritativnim stilom in dimenzijami socioseksualne usmerjenosti ni bilo. Prav tako so bile povezave med vzgojnimi stili in vrednotnimi tipi drugačne od predpostavljenih. Avtoritarni vzgojni stil se je izkazal za statistično pomembno povezan z nižjim vrednotenjem hedonskih vrednot. Permisivni vzgojni stil je kazal statistično pomembno povezavo z višjim vrednotenjem potenčnih vrednot. Manjše vrednotenje hedonskih in moralnih vrednot je bilo statistično pomembno povezano z zanemarjajočim vzgojnim stilom, višje vrednotenje moralnih vrednot pa je bilo statistično pomembno povezano z avtoritativnim vzgojnim stilom. Dobljeni rezultati, kljub temu da jih ne moremo posploševati na celotno populacijo, prinašajo pomemben uvid v tematiko in možnosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje.

Keywords:vzgojni stili, tvegano vedenje, tvegano spolno vedenje, socioseksualna usmerjenost, vrednote
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[H. Gorše]
Number of pages:X, 87, XIX str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147295 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:157696515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between parenting styles and risky behavior, sociosexual orientation and values in young adults
In the master's thesis, we investigated the connection between parenting styles in childhood and risky behavior, sociosexual orientation, and values in young adulthood. We further divided risky behavior into risky behavior in general and risky sexual behavior. In the theoretical part, we presented the theoretical starting points and findings of previous research on the aforementioned dimensions. In the empirical part that followed, we presented quantitative research. 164 participants between the ages of 20 and 30 took part in the research, of which 123 (75%) were women and 41 (25%) were men. The research was conducted via the web portal 1ka Arnes. For the purposes of the research, we used a combination of five questionnaires in the following order: the Parenting Scenario Scale (PSS), the Short Impulsive Behavior Scale (SUPPS-P), the Sexual Risk Behavior Scale (SRBS), the Revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R) and the Musek’s Scale of Values (MLV). Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics program. The results showed that some dimensions of risky behavior are statistically significantly positively related to neglectful and authoritarian parenting styles. One of the dimensions of sociosexual orientation is also positively associated with a neglectful parenting style in childhood. We obtained a statistically significant negative relationship between authoritative style and lack of persistence. There were no associations between authoritative style and dimensions of sociosexual orientation. The connections between parenting styles and value types were also different from what we had initially assumed. An authoritarian parenting style was found to be statistically significantly associated with a lower evaluation of hedonic values. The permissive parenting style showed a statistically significant association with a higher appreciation of potency values. A lower evaluation of hedonic and moral values was statistically significantly associated with a neglectful parenting style, and a higher evaluation of moral values was statistically significantly associated with an authoritative parenting style. The obtained results, despite the fact that they cannot be generalized to the entire population, bring important insight into the topic and possibilities for further research.

Keywords:parenting styles, risky behavior, risky sexual behavior, sociosexual orientation, values

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