
Širitev EU in ontološka ogroženost: Primer Severne Makedonije : primer Severne Makedonije
ID Jekić, Aleksandar (Author), ID Lovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kočan, Faris (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo obravnava proces širitive Evropske Unije kot potencialni vir ontološke ogroženosti v primeru Severne Makedonije. To doseže z analizo nastanka in razvoja makedonske identitete v odnosu do elementov družbenega in materialnega okolja, ki omišljajo makedonsko identiteto in delujejo kot vir ontološke varnosti. Empirični del magistrske naloge, ki temelji na kvalitativni analizi vsebine 59 govorov članov makedonskih parlamentarnih strank, je osredinjen okoli dveh kritičnih situacij, in sicer: (i) bolgarskega veta na pristopna pogajanja Severne Makedonije leta 2020 (ii) francoskega predloga za rešitev spora med Bolgarijo in Severno Makedonijo leta 2022. Rezultati kažejo, da so se sprva različni pogledi na bolgarski veto leta 2020 razvili v poenoteno dojemanje grožnje. Poleg tega je dojemanje grožnje vodilo v skupni protiukrep makedonskih parlamentarnih strank v obliki resolucije, ki je opredelila stališče Severne Makedonije glede nadaljnjih pogajanj z EU in omejila zmožnost pogajanj o temah, povezanih z makedonsko indetiteto. S francoskim predlogom pa so se percepcije med vlado in opozicijo začele močno razlikovati. Medtem ko vladne stranke vidijo članstvo v EU kot okvir za ohranjanje makedonske identitete, pa opozicija trenutni štritveni okvir povezuje z izgubo lastne identitete. Rezultati magistrskega dela v tej luči ponazarjajo, kako širitev EU lahko sočasno služi kot vir ontološke varnosti in ontološke nevarnosti. Pristopni proces lahko stagnira zaradi ontološke ogroženosti, kar pomeni, da sedanjemu širitvenemu okviru primanjkuje zadostno razumevanje pomena identitete tekom samega pristopnega procesa.

Keywords:Ontološka ogroženost, Evropska Unija, Širitev EU, Severna Makedonija, nacionalizem.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Jekic
Number of pages:74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147214 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:157637123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2023
JEKIĆ, Aleksandar, 2023, Širitev EU in ontološka ogroženost: Primer Severne Makedonije : primer Severne Makedonije [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Jekic. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:EU enlargement and ontological (in)security: The case of North Macedonia : the case of North Macedonia
The thesis deals with the enlargement framework of the European Union as a potential source of ontological insecurity in the case of North Macedonia. It does so by analysing the emergence and development of the Macedonian identity to understand which elements of the social and material environment constitute the Macedonian identity and in turn act as a source of ontological security. The latter is then applied on two critical situations, namely the Bulgarian veto to Macedonian accession negotiations in 2020 and the French proposal for resolving the dispute between Bulgaria and North Macedonia in 2022. This is achieved by employing a qualitative content analysis of 59 text units that were authored by members of Macedonian parliamentary parties in the period between the announcement of the Bulgarian veto in September 2020 and the acceptance of the French proposal in July 2022. The analysis shows that the initially divergent views on the Bulgarian veto in 2020 developed into a common threat perception across party lines. Moreover, it resulted in a common countermeasure in form of a parliamentary resolution that defined the state position of NM for the ongoing negotiations, constraining the ability on negotiating topics related to the Macedonian identity. With the French proposal, the perceptions between government and opposition started to differ significantly. Thereby, it is shown that EU enlargement can both serve as source of ontological security and insecurity. While governmental parties see EU membership as a protection of the Macedonian identity, the opposition connects the current enlargement framework to the disappearance of the own identity. The thesis, therefore, illustrates how an accession process can become deadlocked due to ontological insecurity, meaning that the current enlargement framework lacks a sufficient understanding of the impact of identity concerns within the accession process.

Keywords:Ontological security, European Union, EU enlargement, North Macedonia, nation- alism.

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