
Idejna zasnova prenove in revitalizacije utrdbe San Michele v Puli
ID Kanjer, Matea (Author), ID Vodopivec, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema magistrskega dela je problematika vojaške arhitekture 19. stoletja v Istri. V Pulju je bil takrat pod vlado Avstro-Ogrske zgrajen obrambni sistem, ki je pomembno vplival na razvoj in oblikoval mesto, kot ga poznamo danes. Veliko vojaških objektov v Pulju in okolici je bilo dolgo časa pozabljenih in zanemarjenih, kar je povzročilo njihovo propadanje. V zadnjih nekaj letih narašča zanimanje za fortifikacijski sistem mesta in postavlja se vprašanje, kako integrirati takšne objekte v vsakdanje življenje prebivalcev mesta. V magistrskem delu je raziskana in predstavljena zgodovina utrdbe San Michele, njeno današnje stanje ter pristop k njeni prenovi in revitalizaciji. Koncept projekta temelji na ohranitvi obstoječega, odstranitvi poznejših, neustrezno dozidanih elementov in dopolnitvi starega z novim. Prostori utrdbe in novododana dvorana so obogateni z družabno-kulturnim programom, rekreacijski del pa je vkopan pod zemljo. Z novim posegom ni moten pogled na utrdbo, zato je sama še naprej neovirano predstavljena kot priča svojega časa.

Keywords:arhitektura, prenova, revitalizacija, utrdba, San Michele, Pulj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147211 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:157244931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2023
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Title:Conceptual Renovation and Revitalization of Fort San Michele in Pula
The topic of the master’s thesis deals with the issue of military architecture from the 19th century in the area of ​​Istria. A defense system was built in Pula under the rule of Austria-Hungary at that time, which significantly influenced the development and shaped the city as we know it today. A large number of military buildings in Pula and the surrounding area were forgotten and neglected for a long time, which led to the deterioration of many. In the last few years, interest in the city’s fortification system has been growing, and the question arises of how to integrate such objects into the everyday life of citizens. The master’s thesis explores and presents the history of the San Michele fort, its condition today and the approach to its renovation and revitalization. The concept of the project is based on the preservation of the existing, the removal of subsequently inadequately added elements and the addition of the old with the new. A socio-cultural program was placed in the premises of the fort and the newly added hall, and the recreation area was buried underground. With the new intervention, the view of the fort is not disturbed, so it itself continues to be presented unhindered as a witness of its time.

Keywords:architecture, renovation, revitalization, fortification, San Michele, Pula

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