
Vpliv samomora pacienta na zdravstvene delavce : diplomsko delo
ID Šuštar, Tjaša (Author), ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Thaler, Darja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Samomor je eden izmed vodilnih vzrokov smrti po vsem svetu. Obravnava oseb s samomorilnim vedenjem strokovnjakom pogosto predstavlja velik izziv in od njih zahteva posebna znanja in spretnosti. Gre za enega najtežjih dogodkov, ki so jim zdravstveni delavci lahko priča tekom svoje poklicne kariere, takšna smrt pacienta pa ima nanje večji vpliv kot smrti drugih vzrokov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti samomor, njegove posledice pri zdravstvenih delavcih in spoprijemalne strategije ter ugotoviti, ali imajo postvencijsko zaposleni zadostno podporo pri soočanju z njim. Metode dela: Narejen je bil pregled literature, objavljene od leta 2013 dalje. Iskana je bila februarja 2023 v podatkovnih bazah ScienceDirect, CINAHL in Wiley Online Library. V slovenščini in angleščini so bile uporabljene ključne besede: »samomor IN vpliv IN pacient«, »samomor IN vpliv IN zdravstveni delavci«, »suicide AND impact AND patient«, »suicide AND impact AND health professionals«. Prikaz izbora literature je narejen s pomočjo prilagojenega PRIZMA diagrama. Rezultati oz. izsledki pregleda so predstavljeni s pomočjo prilagojene tabele po PICO in interpretirani v razpravi diplomskega dela. Rezultati: V končno analizo je bilo vključenih 18 člankov, ki učijo, da samomor pacienta vpliva na zdravstvene delavce tako na osebni kot na poklicni ravni. Od začetnega šoka, razočaranja, jeze, strahu pred očitki in pravno odgovornostjo, do sprejetja pacientovega dejanja kot del njegove avtonomije ter osebne in poklicne rasti v smislu samozavesti in strokovnosti. Vse to se lahko zgodi le ob zadostni podpori, ki jo zdravstveni delavci prejmejo od najbližjih, sodelavcev in vodstva. Slednje jim mora zagotoviti individualno ali skupinsko psihoterapevtsko obravnavo in empatično skrb v vseh formalnih ali neformalnih postopkih po pacientovi smrti. Skozi pregled literature so številni udeleženci le-to pogrešali. Razprava in zaključek: Samomor pacienta je še vedno pogost travmatičen dogodek. Vplivi na osebno in poklicno prakso so lahko zelo veliki in se med seboj neposredno povezujejo ter dopolnjujejo. Poznamo več različnih strategij za soočanje s samomorom, ni pa niti enega idealnega pristopa, ki bi ustrezal in ugodil potrebam vseh vpletenih.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, samomor, obravnava, vpliv, postvencija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Šuštar]
Number of pages:25 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147202 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:157438211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2023
ŠUŠTAR, Tjaša, 2023, Vpliv samomora pacienta na zdravstvene delavce : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : T. Šuštar. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of suicide on health workers : diploma work
Introduction: Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Treating people with suicidal behaviour often poses a major challenge for professionals and requires specific skills and knowledge. It is one of the most difficult events that health professionals can witness in the course of their careers, and the death of a patient has a greater impact on them than deaths from other causes. Purpose: The aim of the thesis was to present suicide and its consequences for health professionals, coping strategies and to determine whether postvention staff have sufficient support to cope with it. Methods: A review of the literature published since 2013 was carried out. It was searched in February 2023 in the ScienceDirect, CINAHL and Wiley Online Library databases. The keywords used were "suicide AND impact AND patient", "suicide AND impact AND health professionals". The literature selection is illustrated using a customised PRIZMA diagram. The results of the screening are presented using a customised PICO scoreboard and interpreted in the thesis discussion. Results: 18 articles were included in the final analysis. Patient suicide affects healthcare professionals, both personally and professionally. From the initial shock, disappointment, anger, fear of recrimination and legal liability, to the acceptance of the patient's action as part of his autonomy, to personal and professional growth in terms of self-confidence and professionalism. All this can only happen with sufficient support from loved ones, colleagues and management. It must provide them with individual or group psycho-therapeutic treatment and empathic care in all formal or informal procedures after the patient's death. Throughout the literature review, this was missed by many participants. Discussion and conclusion: Patient suicide is still a common traumatic event. The influences on personal and professional practice can be very large and directly interlink and complement each other. There are many different strategies for coping with suicide, but there is no one ideal approach that suits and meets the needs of everyone involved.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, suicide, treatment, impact, postvention

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