
Nadzor celic CAR-T z uporabo destabilizacijskih domen
ID Belak, Monika (Author), ID Benčina, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nadzor imunskih celic T, ki izražajo himerni antigenski receptor (CAR-T celice, angl. Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells) z uporabo destabilizacijskih domen, je pomembno orodje za natančno in prilagodljivo regulacijo aktivnosti celic CAR-T. Destabilizacijske domene služijo kot varnostna stikala in omogočajo regulacijo aktivnosti celic CAR-T, preko modulacije stabilnosti himernega antigenskega receptorja (CAR) na površini celic z uporabo majhnih molekul. Z njihovo uporabo lahko omejimo stranske učinke in resne zaplete povezane s CAR-T celično terapijo, ki so predvsem posledica njihove prekomerne aktivacije. Do danes že poznamo nekaj nadzornih sistemov na osnovi destabilizacijskih domen (na primer destabilizacijski domeni ecDHFR ali FKBP). Ti sistemi imajo omejeno terapevtsko uporabnost, saj so njihovi ligandi molekule, ki so za človeške celice toksični, ali pa proteinske komponente teh sistemov izvirajo iz drugih organizmov in lahko izzovejo imunski odziv pri človeku. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo se tako osredotočili na razširitev trenutnega nabora destabilizacijskih domen. Uporabili smo destablizacijske domene na osnovi ligand vezavne domene estrogenskega receptorja alfa (ERα), ki se aktivirajo z molekulo 4-OHT, ki je FDA odobreno zdravilo. Pripravljene konstrukte smo vstavili v sesalske celične linije in preverili izražanje receptorja CAR po stimulaciji celic s tarčno majhno molekulo 4-OHT. Destabilizacijskim domenam, ki smo jim dodali CD19 CAR, je prisotnost liganda zagotovila stabilno izražanje receptorja na površini celic. Pričakujemo, da bodo načrtovane destabilizacijske domene pripomogle k razširitvi nabora hitrih, reverzibilnih in prilagodljivih metod za uravnavanje stabilnosti proteinov v živih celicah z uporabo majhnih molekul.

Keywords:AR-T, celična terapija, destabilizacijske domene, sintezna biologija, 4-OHT
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147197 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:157145091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2023
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Title:Control of CAR-T cells using destabilization domains
The control of immune T cells expressing synthetic chimeric antigen receptors (CAR-T cells) using destabilization domains is an important tool for precise and adaptive regulation of CAR-T cell activity. Destabilization domains serve as safety switches and allow the regulation of CAR-T cell activity by modulating the stability of the CAR receptor on the cell surface using small molecules. Their use could limit the side effects and serious complications associated with CAR-T cell therapy, which are mainly due to their over-activation. To date, several control systems based on destabilization domains are known (e.g. ecDHFR or FKBP destabilization domains), but their number is limited. These systems have limited therapeutic utility because their ligands are molecules that are toxic to human cells, or the protein components of these systems are derived from other organisms and can elicit an immune response in humans. The focus of the MSc thesis was therefore to extend the current set of destabilization domains. We used destabilization domains based on the ligand binding domain of the estrogen receptor α (ERα), which are activated by the FDA approved drug, molecule 4-OHT. The prepared constructs were inserted into mammalian cell lines and the expression of the CAR receptor was verified after stimulation of the cells with the small target molecule 4-OHT. For the destabilization domains to which CD19 CAR was added, the presence of the ligand ensured stable expression of the receptor on the cell surface. We expect that the designed destabilization domains will help to extend the range of rapid, reversible and scalable methods to regulate protein stability in living cells using small molecules.

Keywords:CAR-T, cell therapy, destabilisation domains, synthetic biology, 4-OHT

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