
Zasnova preizkuševališča za kontrolo kakovosti hidravličnih prijemal
ID Medle, Blaž (Author), ID Majdič, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z vse večjimi zahtevami uporabnikov potreba po trajnostnih in kakovostnih izdelkih narašča. V našem primeru gre za hidravlični grabilec, ki se uporablja na področjih gradbeništva, gozdarstva in kmetijstva. Hidravlični grabilec je vrsta mehanskega orodja, ki se uporablja za prijemanje in rokovanje različnih predmetov, večinoma na težkih strojih kot so bagri, nakladači ali žerjavi. Grabilec sestoji iz štirih podsklopov - priključne plošče, osnovne pogonske enote, pogona rotacije in prijemalnih rok. Slednja vsebujeta oba glavna izvršilna elementa, in sicer hidravlični motor za rotacijo in hidravlična valja za prijemanje. Za pravilno in učinkovito delovanje grabilca je ustrezno delovanje izvršilnih elementov ključnega pomena. V ta namen smo v magistrskem delu predstavili pregled obstoječih preizkuševališč in standardov, ki se uporabljajo za testiranje hidravličnih motorjev in valjev. Predstavili smo tudi osnovne lastnosti hidravličnega grabilca in idejno zasnovo večnamenskega preizkuševališča. V nadaljevanju smo zasnovali hidravlični del preizkuševališča in ustreznost vseh uporabljenih komponent. Zasnovo smo preverili še z numeričnimi simulacijami in na koncu predstavili tudi stroškovno analizo izdelave.

Keywords:hidravlično preizkuševališče, kontrola kakovosti, hidravlična prijemala, konstruiranje, hidravlične komponente, testiranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Medle]
Number of pages:XX, 93 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147180 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156978947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Design of a test rig for quality control of hydraulic grapples
With increasing user demands, the need for sustainable and high-quality products is growing. In our case, we are talking about a hydraulic grapple used in the construction, forestry and agriculture. A hydraulic grapple is a type of a mechanical tool used for gripping and handling various objects, primarily on heavy machinery such as excavators, loaders or cranes. The grapple consists of four sub-assemblies - the attachment plate, the base drive unit, the rotation drive and the gripping arms. The rotation drive and gripping arms contain both main executive elements, hydraulic motor for rotation and hydraulic cylinders for gripping. Proper and efficient operation of executive elements is crucial for the correct functioning of the grapple. To address this matter, in our master’s thesis, we provided an overview of existing test rigs and standards used for testing hydraulic motors and cylinders. We also presented the basic features of the hydraulic grapple and the conceptual design of a multi-purpose test rig. Furthermore we designed the hydraulic part of the test rig and verified the suitability of all components used. We also conducted numerical simulations to validate the design and, finally, presented a cost analysis of the manufacturing process.

Keywords:hydraulic test rig, quality control, hydraulic grapples, design engineering, hydraulic components, testing

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