
Učna motivacija učencev, ki se izobražujejo na domu
ID Žvikart, Eva (Author), ID Šteh, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu obravnavamo učno motivacijo učencev, ki se izobražujejo na domu. V teoretičnem delu opredelimo izobraževanje na domu, razloge staršev za izobraževanje na domu ter prednosti in omejitve izobraževanja na domu. Opišemo tudi učno motivacijo ter sestavine učne motivacije. Opredelimo nekatere teorije učne motivacije, več pozornosti pa namenimo teoriji samodoločenosti, ki je osnova našemu empiričnemu delu. Teorija samodoločenosti razlaga, da obstajajo poleg amotivacije in notranje motivacije tudi različne vrste zunanje motivacije, ki se razlikujejo glede na stopnjo učenčeve avtonomije ter uravnavanja motivacijskega vedenja. Predpostavlja, da morata biti za razvoj resnično samodoločenega vedenja oziroma notranje motivacije za učenje poleg psihološke potrebe po avtonomiji zadovoljeni še potreba po občutku kompetentnosti ter potreba po povezanosti. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela vzpostavimo povezave med učno motivacijo, učenjem in učno uspešnostjo, pri čemer se osredotočamo na učno motivacijo kot dejavnih učnega procesa ter na vlogo učitelja v učnem procesu. Zanimajo nas tudi druge raziskave učne motivacije pri učencih, ki se izobražujejo doma. V empiričnem delu predstavimo rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli s pomočjo vprašalnika o samouravnavanju motivacijskega vedenja učencev na akademskem področju (SRQ-A). V raziskavo smo vključili učence, ki se izobražujejo na domu, in učence, ki se izobražujejo v javni šoli. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da učenci, ki se izobražujejo na domu, naloge oziroma učenje, povezano s šolskim delom, v manjši meri sprejmejo kot pomembno in ga v manjši meri opravljajo z zanimanjem ali užitkom. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da se velik delež otrok, ki se izobražujejo na domu, uči zato, da bi ugodili staršem oziroma pridobili potrditev drugih pomembnih oseb v svojem življenju. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo tudi, ali se pojavljajo razlike v učni motivaciji glede na spol, razred in učni uspeh. Ugotovili smo, da učenke, ki se šolajo v javni šoli, izkazujejo večjo stopnjo notranje motivacije za šolsko delo; da se pojavljajo razlike v slogih uravnavanja motivacijskega vedenja glede na razred tako pri učencih, ki se izobražujajo na domu, kot tistih, ki se izobražujejo v šoli; da se je pri učencih, zajetih v vzorec, pokazala šibka korelacija med učnim uspehom v predhodnem šolskem letu ter učno motivacijo. Prav tako nismo ugotovili nobene povezave med leti izobraževanja na domu ter učno motivacijo.

Keywords:izobraževanje na domu, teorija samodoločenosti, učna motivacija, slogi uravnavanja motivacijskega vedenja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147090 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Learning motivation of homeschooled students
In the master's thesis, we discuss the learning motivation of students who are homeschooled. In the theoretical part, we define homeschooling, parents' reasons for homeschooling, and the advantages and limitations of homeschooling. We also describe learning motivation and the components of learning motivation. We define some theories of learning motivation. We pay more attention to the self-determination theory which is the basis of our empirical work. The self-determination theory explains that, in addition to amotivation and internal motivation, different types of external motivation differ according to the student's level of autonomy and regulation of motivational behavior. The theory assumes that to develop truly self-determined behavior or internal motivation for learning, in addition to the psychological need for autonomy, the need for a sense of competence and the need for the connection must be satisfied. In the continuation of the theoretical part, we establish connections between learning motivation, learning, and learning success. In the process, we focus on learning motivation as a factor of the learning process and on the role of the teacher in the learning process. We are also interested in other studies of learning motivation among students who are homeschooled. In the empirical part, we present the results of the research that we carried out utilizing the questionnaire on the self-regulation of students' motivational behavior in the academic field – Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A). We included both homeschooled and public-schooled students in the research. The results of the research show that students who are homeschooled accept tasks or learning related to schoolwork to a lesser extent as important and perform it with interest or pleasure to a lesser extent. We also ascertained that a large proportion of children who are homeschooled learn to please their parents or gain approval from other important people in their lives. In the research, we were also interested in whether there are differences in learning motivation according to gender, class, and academic success. We ascertained that female students who study in a public school show a higher level of internal motivation for school work, that there are differences in the styles of regulating motivational behavior depending on the class, both among students who are homeschooled and those who are public-schooled, and that the students included in the sample showed a weak correlation between academic success in the previous school year and academic motivation. We also did not ascertain any connection between years of homeschooling and learning motivation.

Keywords:homeschooling, self-determination theory, learning motivation, regulatory styles of motivational behavior

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