
Hitri krediti in dolžniška past: podrejena financializacija in obrobne finance v baltskih državah : podrejena financializacija in obrobne finance v baltskih državah
ID Valiukevičius, Vytautas Rapolas (Author), ID Kurnik, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih letih je obrobna finančna industrija postala ena najbolj hitro rastočih industrij na svetu. V baltskih državah so poleg drugih drugorazrednih posojil hitri krediti postali sopomenka za oderuške posojilne prakse, ki so se hitro razvile in razširile v prostoru, ki so ga razprli razni družbeni pretresi med finančno krizo leta 2008. V tej magistrski nalogi analiziram finančno industrijo preko teoretičnih raziskav nedavnega vala financializacije in neoliberalnega kapitalizma s podrobnejšim pogledom na režim podrejene financializacije, ki prevladuje v baltskih državah. Vzpon potrošniških kreditov in obrobnega financiranja je podprt z dvoumnimi političnimi navodili nadnacionalnih organizacij ali nacionalnih vlad pod izrazoma »Demokratizacija posojil« in »Finančna vključenost«. Vse večja odvisnost mnogih ljudi od posojil ni naključna in je tesno povezana z globokimi spremembami v delovnih razmerjih, krčenjem socialne države in procesi prekarizacije, ki postajajo sestavni del financializacije vsakdanjih in sodobnih oblik neoliberalne subjektivacije.

Keywords:financializacija, obrobne finance, hitri krediti, Vzhodna evropa, baltske države
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:V. R. Valiukevičius
Number of pages:78 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147058 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:157732867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Quick cash and debt traps: Subordinated financialization and fringe finance in the Baltic States : subordinated financialization and fringe finance in the Baltic States
In recent years the fringe finance industry became one of the largest growing industries globally. In the Baltic States among other sub-prime credit products, payday lending became synonymous with usurious lending practices which rapidly developed and spread in a space opened by various social shocks incurred during the financial crisis of 2008. In this work the rise and containment of fringe finance industry is analyzed through theoretical inquiries into recent wave of financialization and neoliberal capitalism with a closer look at the subordinated financialization regime prevalent in the Baltic States. The rise of consumer credit and fringe finance is supported by ambiguous policy prescriptions by supra-national organizations or national governments under the terms ‘Democratizations of Credit’ and ‘Financial Inclusion’. The ever-increasing reliance on credit by many people is not accidental and closely related to deep transformations in labour relations, retrenchment of welfare state and processes of precarization thus becoming integral part of financialization of everyday and contemporary forms of neoliberal subjectivation.

Keywords:financialization, fringe finance, payday lending, Eastern Europe, Baltic States

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