
Preučevanje citotoksičnosti in genotoksičnosti polisaharidnih nanokapsul na osnovi alginata v pogojih in vitro
ID Rozman, Iza (Author), ID Sollner Dolenc, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Štern, Alja (Comentor)

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Varnost nanomaterialov, narejenih iz naravnih ali umetnih snovi, v živilstvu, industriji, medicini in na drugih področjih, predstavlja velik izziv, saj se nanotehnologija kot mlado in izredno perspektivno področje razvija nadvse hitro, medtem ko nanotoksikologija in nanoekotoksikologija za njo močno zaostajata. V literaturi tako ne zasledimo veliko informacij o oceni tveganja pri uporabi nanomaterialov, a ker se izdelava in uporaba nanomaterialov ter nenazadnje izpostavljenost ljudi nanomaterialom močno povečuje, igra pridobivanje podatkov o morebitni akutni in kronični toksičnosti še toliko pomembnejšo vlogo. Nanokapsul se poslužujemo na številnih področjih z namenom povečanja stabilnosti in podaljšanja roka uporabe bioaktivne učinkovine ter za izboljšanje nadzora njene dostave in sproščanja. V prehranski industriji se v ta namen pogosto poslužujemo naravnih polisaharidov, na primer alginata, iz katerega zasnovani nanodelci sodijo med najbolj okarakterizirane biomateriale za tarčno-specifično dostavo bioaktivnih učinkovin. V magistrski nalogi smo na celični liniji človeškega hepatocelularnega karcinoma, HepG2, izvajali testiranja citotoksičnosti in genotoksičnosti sedmih različnih vrst nanokapsul na osnovi alginata kot potencialnih nosilcev bioaktivnih učinkovin. Tri od sedmih različnih vrst nanokapsul so vsebovale kvercetin kot primer bioaktivne učinkovine. Citotoksičnost smo vrednotili s kolorimetrično metodo MTS za določanje živosti celic, medtem ko smo genotoksičnost vrednotili s testom za zaznavanje poškodb DNK na nivoju posamezne celice, testom komet. Za namen uporabe nanokapsul v prehrani, slednje ne smejo izkazovati toksičnega delovanja. Rezultati naše magistrske naloge so pokazali, da testirane polisaharidne nanokapsule na osnovi alginata za celice HepG2 po 24-urni izpostavitvi niso citotoksične v koncentracijskem območju do 500 µg/mL. Ugotovili smo tudi, da testirane nanokapsule po 4- in 24-urni izpostavitvi ne povzročajo poškodb DNK v celicah HepG2 in zatorej ne delujejo genotoksično v proučevanem testnem sistemu pri danih pogojih.

Keywords:nanokapsule, citotoksičnost, genotoksičnost, alginat, prehranska industrija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of polysaccharide alginate nanocapsules cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in vitro
The safety of nanomaterials, made from natural or artificial substances, used in food, various industrial processes, medicine, and other areas, represents a significant challenge because nanotechnology, as a young and up-and-coming field, is developing very quickly, while nanotoxicology and nanoecotoxicology are falling behind. That is why we do not find much information on the risk assessment of nanomaterials in the literature. Still, since the production, use, and ultimately the exposure of people to nanomaterials is increasing significantly, the acquisition of data on potential acute and chronic toxicity plays an even more critical role. Nanoencapsulation carriers are used in many areas to increase the stability and shelf life of the bioactive agent and improve the control of its delivery and release. In the food industry, we often use natural polysaccharides like alginate, whose nanoparticles are among the most characterized biomaterials for target-specific delivery of bioactive agents. In the master's thesis, we tested the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of seven different types of alginate-based nanocapsules as potential carriers of bioactive agents on human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HepG2. Three of the seven different types of nanocapsules contained quercetin as an example of a bioactive agent. Cytotoxicity was evaluated using a colorimetric method for determining cell proliferation and viability, while genotoxicity was assessed using a comet assay for detecting DNA damage at the single cell level. If we want to use nanocapsules in the food industry, the latter must not exhibit toxic activity. The results of our master's thesis showed that the tested nanocapsules are not cytotoxic in the concentration range up to 500 µg/mL for HepG2 cells after 24 hours of exposure. We also found that the tested nanocapsules did not cause DNA damage in HepG2 cells after 4- and 24-hour exposure and therefore had no genotoxic effect in the test system studied at applied conditions.

Keywords:nanocapsules, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, alginate, food industry

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