
ID Slapnik, Veronika (Author), ID Bajec, Patricija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tuljak Suban, Danijela (Comentor)

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Množično dostavljanje je eden izmed novejših dostavnih konceptov, ki lahko pozitivno vpliva na okolje, socialni in ekonomski položaj fizičnih oseb. Posledično vse več podjetij na globalnem nivoju poskuša razviti okolje, v katerem bi bili množični dostavljavci pripravljeni delovati. Zato je ključnega pomena poznavanje interesa in zahtev množičnih dostavljavcev glede na skupino, ki ji pripadajo, ter na prevozno sredstvo, ki ga uporabljajo. V magistrski nalogi so zato analizirane preference potencialnih množičnih dostavljavcev v Sloveniji za dostavo v zadnjem kilometru po prevoznih sredstvih. V kvantitativni raziskavi, ki je bila izvedena med 15. 4. 2023 in 13. 5. 2023, so anketiranci izrazili svoje preference glede na pripravljene hipotetične scenarije, narejene po metodi izražene preference. Pokazalo se je, da na odločitev uporabnikov osebnih avtomobilov močno vpliva vrednost atributa »dodatni čas za množično dostavo vseh pošiljk«, vendar le, če znaša skupna denarna kompenzacija vsaj 4,75 evra. Na odločitev uporabnikov dvokolesnih prevoznih sredstev najbolj vpliva vrednost atributa »skupna denarna kompenzacija«, na njihovo odločitev pa hkrati močno vpliva tudi vrednost atributa «skupna teža pošiljk«. Pri uporabnikih prevoznih sredstev javnega potniškega prometa pa se je pokazalo, da ima največji vpliv na njihovo odločitev vrednost skupnega volumna vseh pošiljk.

Keywords:množična dostava, množični dostavljavec, preference množičnega dostavljalca, dostava v zadnjem kilometru, pošiljke in metoda izraženih preferenc.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147030 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2023
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Crowdshipping is one of the newer delivery concepts that can have a positive impact on the environment and the social and economic situation of individuals. Therefore, more and more companies on a global level are trying to create an environment where crowdshippers would like to operate. Therefore, it is important for them to know what kind of shipments crowdshippers are willing to deliver. The specifications of the shipments that crowdshippers are willing to deliver differ depending on the means of transportation they use. The master's thesis therefore analyzes the preferences of potential crowdshippers in Slovenia for three different modes of transport. In the survey, conducted between 15.04.2023 and 13.05.2023, respondents expressed their preferences through hypothetical scenarios created as part of the work using the stated preference method. The decision of car users has been shown to be strongly influenced by the value of the attribute "additional time for crowdshipping delivery of all shipments", but only to the extent that the total monetary compensation is at least 4,75€. The decision of people using two-wheeled vehicles is most strongly influenced by the value of the attribute "total monetary compensation", while at the same time their decision is strongly influenced by the value of the attribute "total weight of the shipment". In the case of public transport users, the value of the total volume of all shipments has been shown to have the greatest influence on their decision.

Keywords:Crowdshipping, crowdshipper, crowdshippers preferences, consignments, last mile delivery and stated preference method.

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