
Sončna elektrarna kot sanacija odlagališča odpadkov v Dragi
ID Šega, Manca (Author), ID Matjašec, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava možnost sanacije komunalne deponije Draga v Škofji Loki s postavitvijo sončne elektrarne. Raziskuje problematiko odpadkov in njihovega odlaganja na deponije in pridobiva¬nja električne energije iz obnovljivih virov, natančneje iz sončne energije. Obravnavani temi se pove¬zujeta v sklopu umeščanja sončnih elektrarn kot sanacije razvrednotenih območij deponij. Osrednji del naloge obsega izdelavo načrta krajinske sanacije širšega območja in deponije Draga. Oblikovan koncept ozelenitve širšega območja zmanjša vizualno izpostavljenost načrtovane sončne elektrarne in obstoječe deponije ter izboljša biotsko raznovrstnost na kmetijskih zemljiščih. Deponijo se sanira s postavitvijo sončne elektrarne na vrh deponije in ob njeno vznožje – kot osnova je uporabljen načrt za Solarni park Draga podjetja Gorenjske elektrarne. Nova zasnova zajema postavitev sončne elektrarne po principu večnamenske izrabe zemljišča z vpeljavo pašništva, čebelarstva, rekreacije in izobraževanja na območje sončne elektrarne. V sklopu zasnove se nadgradi obstoječi zbirni center, na streho objekta in na parki¬rišče pa postavi sončne panele. Na območje deponije se umesti sanacijski rob, ki poleg vizualne bariere služi tudi za vpenjanje območja v širši prostor in obstoječ zeleni sistem. Magistrska naloga oblikuje celostno rešitev, ki je energetsko za 28 % bolj učinkovita kot zasnova Gorenjskih elektrarn. Naloga pri-kazuje, da je mogoče deponijo komunalnih odpadkov sanirati s postavitvijo sončne elektrarne na način, da se hkrati zagotovi optimalen energetski izkoristek elektrarne ob upoštevanju principa večnamenske izrabe zemljišča in elektrarno vključi v obstoječo krajino, kar omogoča zmanjšanje vizualnega vpliva sončne elektrarne in deponije ter ohranja kakovost krajine.

Keywords:krajinska arhitektura, Draga, deponija, sončna elektrarna, sanacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147022 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:157129475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Solar power plant as reclamation of the landfill in Draga
The Master's thesis explores the possibility of remediating the Draga municipal landfill in Škofja Loka by installing a solar power plant. It researches the issue of waste and its disposal in landfills and the produ¬ction of electricity from renewable sources, specifically solar energy. The discussed topics are connected within the context of integrating solar power plants as a way to remediate degraded landfill areas. The central part of the thesis involves developing a plan for landscape remediation of the wider area and the Draga landfill. A concept of greening the wider area is formed to reduce the visual exposure of the planned solar power plant and landfill and to enhance the biodiversity on agricultural land. The landfill is remediated by installing a solar power plant on top of the landfill and at its foot, using the plan for the Solarni park Draga by Gorenjske elektrarne as a basis. The upgraded design includes the installation of a solar power plant according to the principle of multifunctional land use, with the introduction of grazing, beekeeping, recreation, and education on the solar power plant site. As part of the design, new collection center is designed, and solar panels are installed on the roof of the building and on the parking lot. A remediation edge is placed on the landfill site, which serves as both a visual barrier and a way to integrate the area into the broader landscape. The Master's thesis presents a comprehensive solution that is 28 % more energy-efficient as the design of Gorenjske elektrarne. It demonstrates that it is possible to remediate a municipal waste landfill by installing a solar power plant in a way that ensures optimal energy efficiency of the power plant while following the principle of multifunctional land use, integrating the power plant into the existing landscape, reducing the visual impact of the solar power plant and landfill, and preserving the quality of the landscape.

Keywords:landscape architecture, Draga, landfill, solar power plant, reclamation

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