
Pregled stališč, znanja in izkušenj specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov na področju drame v izobraževanju po končanem študiju v Sloveniji in na Češkem : magistrsko delo
ID Nežmah, Ana (Author), ID Vidrih, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami definira devet skupin otrok s posebnimi potrebami ter njihovo usmeritev v ustrezen program vzgoje in izobraževanja. Na podlagi ocene komisije za usmerjanje je učenec usmerjen v enega izmed programov, ki podrobneje opredeljujejo posamezne skupine, njihove primanjkljaje in močna področja ter nudijo usmeritve pri načrtovanju dela s posameznimi skupinami. Vloga specialnega in rehabilitacijskega pedagoga v šolskem okolju je ključnega pomena za delo s skupino otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Na osnovi primanjkljajev in ovir, ki se pojavljajo pri teh otrocih, je potrebno dobro poznati prilagoditve, ki jih mora biti deležna določena skupina otrok. Obstaja cela vrsta učnih metod, ki nam z doslednim načrtovanjem in kombiniranjem pomagajo dosegati čim boljše učne cilje. Učinkovit učni proces pa terja tudi vključevanje alternativnih oblik, pristopov in metod poučevanja v obstoječi kurikul. Zato je poznavanje čim večjega števila podpornih oblik in metod izobraževanja ter usposabljanja za delo specilanega in rehabilitacijske pedagoga ključnega pomena. Zaradi v znanosti že utemeljenih prednosti metode drame v izobraževanju jo v magistrskem delu podrobneje predstavimo in raziskujemo, kakšna so stališča študentov specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike tik pred zaključkom študija do omenjene učne metode. V prvem, teoretičnem delu predstavimo analizo literature, ki se nanaša na vsebino obravnavanih področij: o usmeritvah za delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, o učnih metodah in podrobneje o metodi drame v izobraževanju, o stališčih pedagoških delavcev do uporabe metode drame v izobraževanju in vplivu teh na njihovo pedagoško delo. Predstavimo tudi vzgojno-izobraževalni Program specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike na Univerzi v Ljubljani in na Karlovi univerzi v Pragi (število ur, število predmetov, ki vključujejo izobraževanja s področja dramske umetnosti, obveznost tovrstnih predmetov, profesionalna usposobljenost profesorjev, ki te predmete izvajajo). V drugem, empiričnem delu s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika ugotavljamo znanje študentov o dramski metodi v izobraževanju. Anketiranje izvedemo med študenti zadnjega letnika obeh fakultet. Vrednotimo: - katere metode poznajo in najpogosteje uporabljajo specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi tik pred zaposlitvijo; - kakšno je razmerje med teoretičnim in praktičnim znanjem o metodi drame v izobraževanju, ki so si ga pridobili v času študija; - kakšna so njihova stališča do uporabe metode drame v izobraževanju in kaj po njihovi presoji vpliva na oblikovanje stališč.

Keywords:otroci s posebnimi potrebami, učne metode, drama v izobraževanju, stališča študentov specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike, primerjava učnih programov v Sloveniji in na Češkem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Nežmah
Number of pages:96 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146979 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156327683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Overview of the Attitudes, Knowledge and Experiences of Special and Rehabilitation Educators in the Field of Drama in Postgraduate Education in Slovenia and the Czech Republic
Placement of Children with Special Needs Act (ZUOPP-1) defines nine groups of children with special needs and their orientation in an appropriate education program. Based on the evaluation of the guidance committee, the student is directed to one of the programs that define individual groups in more detail and provide guidelines for planning the work with a specific group. The role of a special education teacher in the school environment is crucial. Based on the recognized special needs, it is necessary to adapt the learning process. There is a whole range of learning methods that, with consistent planning and combination, help teachers and children achieve the best possible learning outcomes. An effective learning process also requires the integration of alternative forms, approaches and teaching methods into the existing curriculum. Therefore, being aware of how to use as many supporting forms and methods in the educational process, is crucial for a special education teacher. Due to the scientific advantages of the drama method in education, which are presented in the master thesis, we tried to investigated the attitudes of students that are studying special education, towards its benefits when used in the classroom. In the first, theoretical part, we present an analysis of the literature related to the content of the discussed areas: guidelines for working with children with special needs, teaching methods and, in more detail, we present the drama method in education, the attitudes of pedagogues towards the use of the drama method in education and its influence of these to their pedagogical work. We also present the educational program of special education at the University of Ljubljana and at Charles University in Prague (number of hours, number of courses that include education in the field of dramatic art, the obligation of such courses, the professional qualifications of the professors who teach these courses). In the second, empirical part, we determine students' knowledge of the drama method in education with the help of a questionnaire. The survey is conducted among final year students of both faculties. We evaluate: - which methods are known and most often used by special education students just before employment; - what is the relationship between theoretical and practical knowledge of the drama method in education, which they acquired during their studies; - what are their attitudes towards the use of the drama method in education and what, in their opinion, influences the formation of attitudes.

Keywords:children with special needs, teaching methods, drama in education, attitudes of students of special and rehabilitation pedagogy, comparison of educational programs in Slovenia and the Czech Republic

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