
Travma pri otrocih beguncih brez spremstva in zagotavljanje zaščite v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo
ID Hodošček, Maja (Author), ID Šumi, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zorn, Jelka (Comentor)

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V začetku teoretičnega dela diplomskega se najprej osredotočam na izkušnjo begunstva otrok brez spremstva in s pomočjo slovenske in tuje literature predstavim razloge za odločitev o begu iz domovine, nevarnosti s katerimi se srečujejo na poti in ob prihodu v novo državo. Nadalje se osredotočam na pravice otrok brez spremstva, kjer najprej predstavim mednarodne akte, ki naglašajo pravice otrok, beguncev in tudi otrok brez spremstva. Predstavim tudi trenutno veljavno slovensko zakonodajo, kjer sta najpomembnejša Zakon o tujcih in Zakon o mednarodni zaščiti. Posebno poglavje posvečam travmi pri otrocih brez spremstva, kjer najprej predstavim travmo kot razlog in posledico migracij in odzive na travmo. V nadaljevanju se osredotočam na okrevanje po travmi in na odpornost otrok ter predstavim varovalne dejavnike, ki otrokom omogočajo razvoj strategij za spoprijemanje s stisko in hkrati opišem, kako lahko isti dejavniki pomenijo tudi tveganje. V tretjem poglavju se osredotočam na psihosocialno podporo in pomoč otrokom beguncem brez spremstva. Najprej predstavim pomen psihosocialne podpore in pomoči in njeno zagotavljanje v Sloveniji, v zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela pa se posvetim vlogi socialnega dela in pristopu, ki temelji na razumevanju travme. V empiričnem delu predstavim raziskavo, ki sem jo izvedla na podlagi pogovorov z zakonitimi zastopnicami otrok brez spremstva. Na začetku raziskave sem si zastavila raziskovalna vprašanja, na katera sem odgovorila na podlagi kvalitativne analize podatkov. Ugotavljala sem, kako restriktivna politika priseljevanja vpliva na travmatizacijo otrok brez spremstva in kaj pri otrocih spodbuja okrevanje od travme. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako zakonite zastopnice vzpostavljajo in ohranjajo zaupen odnos z otroki brez spremstva. Nazadnje me je zanimalo tudi, kakšne spremembe bi prispevale k izboljšanju življenja otrok brez spremstva v Sloveniji. Na koncu diplomskega dela predstavim svoje rezultate in predloge.

Keywords:otroci brez spremstva, begunci, človekove pravice, travma, okrevanje, varovalni dejavniki in dejavniki tveganja, pristop, ki temelji na razumevanju travme, zakonito zastopanje otrok brez spremstva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Hodošček]
Number of pages:120 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146932 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158616067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Trauma among unaccompanied refugee children and providing protection in Slovenia
At the beginning of the theoretical part of the diploma, I first focus on the experience of unaccompanied refugee children and with the help of Slovenian and foreign literature present their reasons for fleeing the homeland, the dangers they face on the way and coming to a new country. I further focus on the rights of unaccompanied refugee children, where I first present international acts that emphasize the rights of children, refugees and also unaccompanied refugee children. I also present the current Slovenian legislation, where the most important are the Foreigners Act and International Protection Act. I dedicate a chapter to trauma among unaccompanied refugee children, where I first present trauma as a cause and effect of migration and responses to trauma. In the following, I focus on recovery from trauma and children's resilience, and present protective factors that enable children to develop strategies for coping with adversity, and at the same time address how the same factors can pose a risk. In the third chapter, I focus on psychosocial support and help to unaccompanied refugee children. First, I present the importance of psychosocial support and help and its provision in Slovenia, and in the last part of the theoretical part of diploma I focus on the role of social work and an trauma-informed care approach. In the empirical part, I present the research I conducted based on conversations with legal representatives of unaccompanied children. At the beginning of the research, I asked myself research questions, which I answered on the basis of qualitative data analysis. I wanted to find out how the restrictive immigration policy affects the traumatization of unaccompanied children and what promotes recovery from trauma in children. I was also interested in how legal representatives establish and maintain a trusting relationship with unaccompanied children. Finally, I was also interested in what changes would contribute to improving the lives of unaccompanied children in Slovenia. At the end of the assignment, I present my results and suggestions.

Keywords:unaccompanied refugee children, refugees, human rights, trauma, recovery, protective and risk factors, trauma-informed care, legal representative of unaccompanied refugee children

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