
Razvoj prostorske predstavljivosti skozi likovno umetnost in matematiko : magistrsko delo
ID Frantar, Martina (Author), ID Manfreda Kolar, Vida (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podobnik, Uršula (Comentor)

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Razvoj prostorske predstavljivosti je prisoten tako pri predmetu likovna umetnost kot tudi pri matematiki. Glavna tema magistrskega dela je bilo odkrivanje razvoja te zmožnosti pri obeh predmetih. V teoretičnem delu v začetku predstavimo namen oziroma temeljno nalogo predmetov likovna umetnost in matematika v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu. V nadaljevanju nato predstavimo pojem vizualnih metod, njihov pomen za učenčev razvoj ter likovno umetnost na splošno kot področje, ki v učnem procesu med drugim uporablja vizualne metode poučevanja. Ker predmet likovna umetnost v procesu šolanja družba velikokrat zanemarja, predstavimo, kakšen pomen ima ravno ta na otrokov razvoj, na to, kako otrok vidi svet in kako izraža svoje zaznave, sklepanje in razumevanje. Pri tem ne smemo zanemariti, da gre otrok v času odraščanja skozi različne faze razvoja. Likovnost v tem pogledu ni izjema. Razvojne stopnje likovnosti so različni avtorji sicer opredeljevali različno, mi pa smo za pričujočo raziskavo vzeli Lowenfelda (1981), ki faze razdeli na: fazo čečkanja, predsimbolno fazo, simbolno fazo in fazo realizma oziroma grafičnega realizma. Bodoči učitelji moramo pri načrtovanju, organizaciji, izvedbi učne vsebine, pri preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja upoštevati, da so učenci med seboj različni. Razlike med učenci sicer ne izvirajo nujno iz tega, da likovni razvoj delimo na več faz, ampak moramo upoštevati tudi, da lahko poleg ostalih vplivov na razlike med njimi vpliva tudi morebiten razkorak med stopnjami njihovega likovnega razvoja. Nekateri namreč lahko v razvoju prehitevajo, drugi zaostajajo. Zaradi tega je ključno, da pouk diferenciramo in individualiziramo. Pri načrtovanju razvoja prostorske predstavljivosti moramo upoštevati tudi štiri Piagetove stopnje kognitivnega razvoja, to so: senzomotorična stopnja (0–2 leti), predoperacionalna stopnja (2–7 let), stopnja konkretnih operacij (7–11 let) in stopnja formalnih operacij (11–15 let). Otrok po obeh opredelitvah razvojnih stopenj v posameznih fazah razvija tudi prostorske predstave. Pomembno je predstaviti tudi teorijo razvoja geometrijskih predstav po van Hielu. Zakonca van Hiele svoj model razvoja geometrijskih predstav razdelita na 5 stopenj, kjer so prve 3 značilne za čas osnovnošolskega šolanja, nato sledita še 2 fazi, ki pa sta značilni za kasnejši otrokov/človekov razvoj. Oba predmeta, tako likovna umetnost kot tudi matematika, namenjata pozornost tudi prostorski predstavljivosti. S povezovanjem teh dveh področij odpremo možnosti drugačne percepcije, ki jim določen problem približa na dva opazno različna načina. Prostorska predstavljivost je v okviru likovne umetnosti pomembna tako na področju oblikovanja v tridimenzionalnem prostoru – kiparstvu in arhitekturi, kot tudi pri risanju in slikanju. Matematika po drugi strani zajame sklop geometrije in merjenja ter orientacije v prostoru in ravnini. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali v primeru načrtnega razvijanja prostorske predstavljivosti v okviru enega predmeta lahko pričakujemo učinke tudi na drugem področju. Zanimal nas je vpliv prostorske predstavljivosti pri likovni umetnosti na splošno (matematično) prostorsko predstavljivost pri učencih. V raziskavo so bili vključeni učenci 3. razreda izbrane osnovne šole, kjer smo v začetku učne ure izvedli začetno, splošno (matematično) preverjanje prostorskih predstav, v osrednjem delu nato prostorsko predstavljivost razvijali preko likovne dejavnosti. V zaključku pa je sledilo končno preverjanje, ki je bilo ponovno matematično orientirano. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen je vpliv razvoja prostorskih predstav pri likovni umetnosti na izboljšanje prostorske predstavljivosti pri izbranih matematičnih vsebinah, torej, ali gre za razvoj prostorske predstavljivosti v širšem smislu. Predvidevali smo, da naj bi analiza rezultatov pokazala izboljšane prostorske predstave, ko smo jih razvijali preko enega področja in opazovali vpliv na drugo področje – v osrednjem delu preko likovne umetnosti, medtem ko je bilo začetno in končno preverjanje usmerjeno v prostorske predstave pri izbranih matematičnih. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se statistično pomembne razlike v prostorski predstavljivosti pred izvedeno dejavnostjo in po njej niso pojavile. Manjše razlike so bile sicer opazne, vendar te niso bile statistično pomembne. Enako smo opazili pri vplivu likovne dejavnosti na prostorsko orientacijo in prostorsko vizualizacijo učencev ter pri razlikah med spoloma. Rezultati raziskave bodo služili kot pomoč učiteljicam in učiteljem pri poučevanju učencev in razvoju njihovih prostorskih predstav.

Keywords:likovno izražanje, matematika, prostorska predstavljivost, razvoj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Frantar]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (67 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146909 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156093699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Developing Spatial Representation through Visual Arts and Mathematics
Spatial representation development is present in both the subject of Arts and the Mathematics. The main topic of the master's thesis was the development of this ability in both subjects. In the theoretical part, we initially present the purpose or basic task of the subjects of arts and mathematics in the educational process. In the following, we present the concept of visual methods, their importance for student's development and arts in general as one of the visual methods of teaching. Since the subject of arts is often neglected by society in the process of schooling, we present the significance of this for children's development, how children see the world and how they express themself in it. It should not be overlooked that a child goes through different stages of development while growing up. Art is no exception in this regard. Different authors have defined the developmental stages of arts differently, but for the present research we have taken Lowenfeld (1981), who divides the stages into: the scribbling phase, the pre-symbolic phase, the symbolic phase and the phase of realism or graphic realism. Therefore, as (future) teachers, we must take into account that each student is different, when planning, organizing, conducting a lesson and assessing their knowledge. The differences between students do not necessarily stem from the fact that artistic development is divided into several phases, but we must also take into account that, in addition to other influences, the differences between them can also be influenced by a more significant gap between the stages of their artistic development. Namely, some can overtake in development, others lag behind. For this reason, it is crucial to differentiate and individualize lessons. When planning the development of spatial representation, in addition to the developmental stages of arts, we must also take into account the 4 Piaget stages of cognitive development, namely: sensorimotor stage (0-2 years), pre-operational stage (2-7 years), stage of concrete operations (7-11 years) and stage of formal operations (11-15 years). According to both definitions of developmental stages, the child also develops spatial representations in each phase. It is also important to present the theory of the development of geometric representations according to van Hiels. Van Hiels divide their model of the development of geometric representations into 5 stages, where the first 3 are characteristic of the time of primary schooling, followed by 2 more phases, which are characteristic of later child / human development. Both subjects, arts and mathematics, also pay attention to spatial representation. By connecting these two areas, we therefore enable students a holistic, lifelong approach to learning that brings the problem closer to them. Arts covers the field of design in three-dimensional space - sculpture and architecture, as well as in drawing and painting. Mathematics, on the other hand, encompasses a set of geometry and measurement and orientation in space and plain. The research aims to determine whether, in the case of the planned development of spatial representation within one subject, we can expect effects in another area as well. The research aims to determine the impact of spatial representation in arts on general (mathematical) spatial representation in students. The research included 3rd grade students of the selected primary school, where at the beginning of the lesson we performed an initial, general (mathematical) examination of spatial representations, in the central part we then developed spatial representation through art activities. The final test followed, which was again general, mathematically oriented. We were interested in the impact of the development of spatial representations in arts on the improvement of spatial representations in selected mathematical topics, i.e. whether it is the development of spatial representations in a broader sense. We anticipate that the analysis of the results should show improved spatial representations when we develop them through one area and observe the impact on another area - in the central part through Arts, while the initial and final examination focused on spatial representations in selected mathematical topics. The results sadly showed otherwise. The research results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in spatial representations before and after the activity. Smaller differences were noticeable, but they were not statistically significant. We observed the same in the impact of art activities on the students' spatial orientation and spatial visualization, as well as in the differences between the sexes. The results of the research will serve to help teachers with teaching students and developing their spatial representations.

Keywords:arts, mathematics, spatial representation, development

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