
Razvijanje ustvarjalnosti preko igre s polstrukturiranim materialom : diplomsko delo
ID Kočevar, Žana (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spodbujanje ustvarjalnosti je v predšolskem obdobju izrednega pomena, saj otrok v tem obdobju najintenzivneje sprejema dražljaje iz okolja, se nanje odziva ter tako v osnovi izoblikuje svoj pogled na svet ter funkcioniranje v njem. V tem obdobju je torej nujno, da otroku omogočimo ustvarjalno okolje, v katerem ima možnost izražati lastne potrebe in želje ter samostojno raziskovati in uresničevati svoje zamisli. Le tako bo imel otrok možnost razvijati ustvarjalnost, ki je v življenju nujno potrebna za lastni napredek, prilagajanje spreminjajočemu se svetu, kakovostnejše odnose z ljudmi in bogatejše življenje. Ena izmed pomembnejših nalog vzgojitelja pri tem je, da igro, kot osnovno dejavnost predšolskega otroka, načrtuje tako, da je ustvarjalno usmerjena, pri čemer ima zelo pomembno vlogo izbira igralnega materiala. V diplomskem delu z metodo anketiranja preverjamo mnenja, stališča in izkušnje vzgojiteljev o igri in načrtovanih dejavnostih z različno strukturiranim materialom ter o tem, kako le ta vpliva na razvoj ustvarjalnosti v otrokovi igri. V analizi rezultatov ugotovimo, da ima večina vzgojiteljev veliko izkušenj z uporabo nestrukturiranega in polstrukturiranega materiala, ga v svoje delo vključuje precej pogosto ter se zaveda prednosti njegove uporabe tako v igri kot na vseh ostalih področjih kurikula. Večina je mnenja, da ustvarjalnost v igri bolj spodbujata nestrukturiran in polstrukturiran material, medtem ko jo visoko strukturiran material lahko celo zavira. S pomočjo preglednice nekaterih kriterijev ustvarjalnosti smo z metodo opazovanja ovrednotili razvoj ustvarjalnosti v otrokovi igri glede na vrsto igralnega materiala ter napredek posameznega otroka na podlagi predhodne izkušnje z določenim igralnim materialom. Na podlagi opravljene evalvacije smo ugotovili, da otroci z uporabo nestrukturiranega in polstrukturiranega materiala ustvarjalnost razvijajo v večji meri kot z uporabo visoko strukturiranega igralnega materiala, z vsako naslednjo izkušnjo s tovrstnim materialom pa v večini primerov le to poglabljajo in nadgrajujejo.

Keywords:predšolsko obdobje, ustvarjalnost, igra, nestrukturiran material, polstrukturiran material, visoko strukturiran material
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Kočevar]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (88, IX str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146902 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156166403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Developing Creativity through Play with Semi-structured Materials
Encouraging creativity during the preschool period is of great importance due to the fact that children are highly sensitive to stimuli from the environment. Children respond to them, form their own view of the world and explore how it functions. It is necessary to establish a creative environment which enables children to express their own needs and wishes as well as independently explore and realize their ideas. Children are thus given the opportunity to develop their creativity which is necessary to grow, adapt to the changing world and build good relations with other people. It is of great importance that play, the basic activity of preschoolers, is creatively planned and directed, bearing in mind that the choice of the play material plays a very important role. In my diploma thesis, the survey research method was used to find out the views, opinions and experiences of preschool teachers on the subject of child's play, as well as to get an insight into their planned activities with differently structured materials and the influence of the chosen materials on the development of preschoolers' creativity. Data analysis showed that most preschool teachers have a lot of experiences with unstructured and semi-structured materials since they often include them in preschoolers' play, being aware of their advantages both in the field of childs's play as well as other fields of the curriculum. Most preschool teachers state that unstructured and semi-structured materials enhance preschoolers' creativity during play, whereas highly-structured ones can even hinder it. The observation method based on selected creativity chart table criteria was used to assess the development of creativity during play with respect to the chosen play material and the progress every individual makes on the basis of their previous experiences with the specific material. The results show that by using unstructured and semi-structured materials preschoolers develop higher levels of creativity. Furthermore, each new experience is deepened and upgraded when such materials are used.

Keywords:preschool period, creativity, play, unstructured material, semi-structured material, high-structured material

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